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Orice postat de -HuNTeR-

  1. [RO] Un leaker a descoperit date care sugerează o mulțime de posibile schimbări viitoare în Counter-Strike 2. Counter-Strike 2 a fost lansat în septembrie 2023, iar reacțiile la noul joc au fost mixte. Unii jucători au fost reticenți în a face trecerea la Counter-Strike 2, exprimând opinia că primul Counter-Strike este un joc greu de urmat, deși actualizările consistente și semnificative ar putea aduce mai mulți jucători. Deși Counter-Strike 2 are o bază mare de jucători, jocul pare să fie încă în stadiile sale incipiente. Pe măsură ce noii jucători de Counter-Strike 2 încearcă jocul, mulți fani se ajustează la schimbările față de prima versiune. În ianuarie 2024, Valve a încetat oficial suportul pentru primul Counter-Strike. Se pare că dezvoltatorii nu doar că sunt complet pregătiți să treacă de la prima versiune, dar doresc să încurajeze jucătorii să încerce noul joc. Un videoclip realizat de popularul creator de conținut Counter-Strike 2, Gabe Follower, acoperă o gamă de noi posibile adăugiri ce vor apărea în joc, bazate pe date de data mining. Ultima actualizare a Counter-Strike 2 s-a concentrat mai mult pe îmbunătățiri de calitate a vieții, dar Gabe Follower sugerează că o operațiune viitoare va introduce noi recompense și misiuni. Aceste recompense ar putea include introducerea unor obiecte complet noi în joc, inclusiv brelocuri care pot fi atașate la arme, haine personalizabile și animale de companie. De asemenea, se zvonește că actualizarea va include o cutie care va conține skin-uri exclusive. Dar asta nu este tot. În plus față de toate aceste adăugiri zvonite, Gabe Follower pare să fi găsit multe date care sugerează prezența unor noi hărți numite Thera, Memento (Wingman), Assembly, Pool Day și Mills. Există deja multe hărți în Counter-Strike 2, dar unii fani sunt entuziasmați să aibă și mai multe. În videoclipul său, Gabe Follower menționează că dezvoltatorii nu sunt în mod deosebit interesați să ascundă aceste date, arătând capturi de ecran ale paginilor din Steam Workshop pentru fiecare dintre aceste hărți, cu mai multe imagini. Deși unele dintre pagini existau încă din noiembrie 2023, există un flux nou de comentarii ale utilizatorilor pe fiecare, indicând atenția recentă. Gabe Follower menționează, de asemenea, prezența unor noi animații în Counter-Strike 2, care arată jucătorii interacționând cu găini, făcând lucruri precum ridicarea lor și chiar strângerea lor. Se sugerează că găina este un substitut pentru un fișier obiect care se referă la animale de companie. Scopul complet al animalelor de companie este necunoscut, dar Gabe Follower le descrie ca pe un obiect cosmetic și speculează că animalele ar putea urma jucătorii pe hartă. Deși jucătorii au deja o gamă de cosmetice existente în Counter-Strike 2, unii sunt entuziasmați de potențialul de a avea mai multe, pe lângă mulțimea de alte posibile actualizări. [EN] A leaker has found data that signals plenty of potential upcoming Counter-Strike 2 changes. Counter-Strike 2 launched in September 2023, and reception for the follow-up has been mixed. Some players have been hesitant about shifting over to Counter-Strike 2, expressing the sentiment that the first Counter-Strike is a tough game to follow up, although consistent and meaningful updates could likely bring more players in. Although Counter-Strike 2 has a large player base, the game still appears to be in its early stages. As new Counter-Strike 2 players try the game out, many fans have been adjusting to the changes from the first release. In January 2024, Valve officially ended support for the first Counter-Strike. It appears that the developers are not only entirely ready to move on from the first release, but want to incentivize players to try out the new one. A video by popular Counter-Strike 2 content creator Gabe Follower covers an array of new potential additions coming to the game based on data mining. The last Counter-Strike 2 update was more focused on quality-of-life changes, but here, Gabe Follower signals the likelihood of an upcoming operation that will introduce new rewards and missions. These rewards may include the introduction of brand-new items to the game, including keychains that can be attached to weapons, customizable clothes, and pets. Additionally, the update is rumored to include a case that will contain exclusive skins. That's not all, though. In addition to all the rumored additions, Gabe Follower appears to have found plenty of data that suggests the presence of new maps named Thera, Memento (Wingman), Assembly, Pool Day, and Mills. There are plenty of maps in Counter-Strike 2, but some fans are most excited about having even more. In his video, Gabe Follower notes that developers aren't particularly interested in hiding this data, showing screenshots of Steam Workshop pages for each of these maps with several screenshots. Although some of the pages have existed as far back as November 2023, there is an influx of new user comments on each, indicating the recent attention. Gabe Follower also notes the presence of new animations in Counter-Strike 2, that show the player interacting with chickens, doing things like picking them up and even squeezing them. The chicken is suggested to be a placeholder for an object file that refers to the animals as pets. The full purpose of pets is unknown, but Gabe Follower describes them as a cosmetic item and throws around a guess that the animals may follow players around on the map. Although gamers already have a pool of existing cosmetics in Counter-Strike 2, some are excited about the potential for more, in addition to the wealth of other potential updates. Source:
  2. Less than three months after the release of its debut game Tales of Kenzera: Zau, Surgent Studios has laid off "just over a dozen" of its employees. The layoffs were initially reported by multiple Surgent employees (via Game Developer) who posted about their pending terminations on LinkedIn. Producer Philip Smy said he'd become "another casualty of the Wild West industry that is videogame development," while level designer Pete Brisbourne wrote, "The chapter entitled 'Pete Works At Surgent Studios' is coming to a close at the end of the month." Several Surgent employees have now added an "open to work" indicator on the profile pictures. A few hours after the initial report, Surgent Studios confirmed the layoffs on Twitter. "Unfortunately, Surgent has joined the growing number of games studios impacted by layoffs this year with just over a dozen people affected," the studio wrote. "It's a difficult time in the games industry, but we remain incredibly proud of our entire team's work on Zau and of the praise it has received from critics and players alike. Our focus now is on supporting those affected, continuing our work on Zau, and looking to the future with our next creative project." The number of employees at Surgent Studios prior to the layoffs wasn't revealed. The studio's LinkedIn page says it has between 11-50 employees; 37 LinkedIn users are "associated" with Surgent. "This hurts deeply," studio founder and CEO Abubakar Salim said in a separate message. "This isn't the news I wanted to share today. "I am so proud of what the team have achieved over the course of these 4 years. When things got tough, every one of them stood so strong, it was inspiring. So to be delivering this news today really sucks. I know we're not alone here, but that doesn't make it easier." Tales of Kezera: Zau, a metroidvania "inspired by Bantu tales" as well as Salim's own grief following the death of his father, was well received when it launched in March. But the player counts, at least on Steam, don't suggest big sales numbers: The peak concurrent player count on Steam was just 258, and currently sits at only 19. The game was also the subject of what Salim called a "targeted harassment" campaign driven by "people who see diversity as a threat." Sales figures have not been released, but in June, Salim denied reports that Tales of Kezera: Zau wasn't selling well, saying claims of low sales "are a fraction of our actual playership, and they're being shared in bad faith by people who are wanting to provide 'proof' that their harassment campaign has been successful in punishing us for daring to take up space." Source:
  3. Votat
  4. The new range of Ryzen 9000 processors is now officially available on the market and at HardZone we have already had the opportunity to test two of them without waiting for the launch of new motherboards, as the socket of these is AM5, as in previous generations, a custom that Intel could do and stop forcing users to change motherboards every two years if they update the processor. Although it is not really necessary to buy a new motherboard to install one of AMD's Ryzen 9000 processors when using the AM5 socket, many manufacturers are updating their range of motherboards to sell themselves as compatible with this new range of processors. The veteran PC component manufacturer Gigabyte has just expanded its range of AMD 800 motherboards, adding a new X870 AORUS Elite WiFi7 model, which joins the X870E AORUS Master, which has been available since last week, a model with which it shares practically the same connectivity options. New Ryzen 9000-compatible motherboard from Gigabyte The X870 AORUS Elite Wi-Fi7 also shares the specifications of the B650E, but the main difference with it is that the new generation includes support for USB4. This board is only available in ATX format and includes space for 4 DDR5 memory modules with a maximum of 256 GB, allowing the use of 4 64 GB DDR5 modules. As for PCIe expansion slots, the X870 AORUS Elite Wi-Fi7 has 3 spaces: a PCIe 5.0 x 16 slot connected directly to the CPU and which includes a button to easily eject the graphics card, one of the novelties we saw at Gamescom held at the end of August in Germany. It also has a PCIe 4.0 x 16 slot (Gen 4 x 4) and a PCIe 3.0 x 16 slot (Gen 3 x 2). As for storage options, this new Gigabyte motherboard compatible with AMD Ryzen 9000 processors includes four M.2 slots. Of the four available M.2 slots, three are Gen 5 x 4 and the fourth M.2 slot for adding storage drives is Gen 4 x 4. It is important to note that the 4 M.2 bays for storage drives incorporate a heat sink, so it is not necessary to purchase it separately. If we are short on storage space or do not want to use so many NVMe drives, this board offers support for 4 SATA ports at a maximum speed of 6 Gbps. Price and availability This AM5 socket board is compatible with Ryzen 7000, Ryzen 8000 and the new Ryzen 9000 processors, is managed by the AMD x870 chipset, and is compatible with DDR5 8000 memory and below. If you're thinking of upgrading your motherboard, but not your processor, Gigabyte's new option is one of the best options currently available on the market and will allow you to upgrade to new processors when you need to. As for the price, Gigabyte has not yet commented on the matter, but, if we take into account that they share practically the same specifications as the B650E and that it has a price of around 250 euros, this new model should be a little more expensive and be around 300 euros at most. Source:
  5. Votat
  6. ISLAMABAD: A delegation of the International Cricket Council (ICC) met Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Mohsin Naqvi and discussed arrangements made for the ICC Champions Trophy to be held in the country next year. The ICC envoy expressed satisfaction in Karachi and Rawalpindi for the preparations ahead of the tournament. The delegation was also satisfied with the security arrangements and protocols in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. A detailed discussion on security arrangements for the tournament also took place in the meeting, said a press release. The ICC delegation included ICC Senior Manager Events Sarah Edgar, Event Manager and Champions Trophy Event Lead Aun Muhammad Zaidi, General Manager Cricket ICC Wasim Khan, Security Manager David Musker and Broadcast consultant Mansoor Manj. From the PCB, Director International Cricket Usman Wahla, Director Security Colonel (retired) Khalid Mehmood, and Head of Marketing Salman Mesud attended the meeting. PCB Chairman Naqvi assured the ICC delegation of world-class arrangements for the ICC Champions Trophy 2025. He further said that the upgradation work of the stadiums will be completed well before the tournament, and foolproof security arrangements will be made for all participating teams. "Hosting the ICC Champions Trophy in Pakistan is an honour, and preparations are being finalised to match the grandeur of the tournament," the cricketing body chairman stated. Naqvi assured the ICC that all teams participating will enjoy playing in a peaceful and secure environment. "After the upgradation, the stadiums will be equipped with international-standard facilities, enhancing the spectators’ experience," Naqvi added regarding the work at the stadiums that will host the mega event next year. "The Pakistani nation has a deep love for cricket and will support all teams during the mega event in February and March next year," Naqvi concluded.
  7. An Israeli air strike on a school in Gaza City has killed at least 22 Palestinians, mostly women and children, according to Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry. The school, closed during the war, was housing displaced people, the health ministry said. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it targeted a Hamas command centre which Israel said the militant group was using to "plan and carry out terrorist attacks”. Hamas has denied using schools and other civilian sites for military purposes. The Hamas-run government media office said the people killed in Saturday's strike in the al-Zaytoun area included several children and six women. Gaza's civil defence agency reported the same death toll and added that one of the women was pregnant. Several graphic videos of the aftermath of the strike examined by BBC Verify appear to corroborate this. Other footage shows children among the victims. Some are seen with severe injuries, including parts of their legs missing. Others are seen lying motionless while adults try to deliver CPR. BBC Verify confirmed the location by comparing details seen in the background to satellite and ground-level images of the targeted school. The IDF said it took steps to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, and accused Hamas of exploiting civilian infrastructure. Hamas "systematically violates international law by operating from inside civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and exploiting the Gazan civilian population for its terrorist activities", the IDF said. Also on Saturday, the health ministry said that four of its workers were killed and six injured in an Israeli "targeting" of a health ministry warehouse in the Musabah area of southern Gaza. The ministry did not specify whether the incident was an air strike. The BBC has approached the IDF for comment on the report of health workers killed. Other schools have been hit, some several times, by Israeli air strikes since the latest conflict with Hamas began on 7 October. Earlier this month, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa) said six of its employees were killed in an Israeli air strike on al-Jaouni school in Nuseirat refugee camp, which is being used as a shelter by thousands of displaced Palestinians. Unrwa said it was the fifth time the school had been hit since 7 October. Israel's military said it carried out a “precise strike on terrorists” planning attacks from the school. The military alleged that nine of those killed were members of Hamas’s armed wing and that three of them were Unrwa staff. Hamas gunmen attacked Israel on 7 October last year, killing about 1,200 people and taking 251 others as hostages. Israel responded with a military campaign in Gaza that has killed more than 41,000 people, according to the health ministry.
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  10. Anyone eager to play fresh content for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set to be disappointed as Nintendo isn't releasing any DLC packs for the game. As IGN reports, confirmation of no DLC for the latest Zelda game on Switch came via Nintendo game producer Eiji Aonuma in an interview with Famitsu. When asked about the potential for new content being released, Aonuma said: "There are no plans to release additional content this time, but that's because I feel like we've done everything we can to create fun in that world. In the first place, the reason I decided to make this a sequel to the previous work was because I thought there was value in experiencing a new game in that Hyrule place. If that's the case, if a new reason arises, we might return to the same world again. Whether it's a sequel or a new work, I think it's going to be a completely new game, so I hope you're looking forward to it." So while we shouldn't expect any DLC, the good news is we are getting another Zelda game and it could end up being a direct sequel to Tears of the Kingdom. It's a surprising decision seeing as Breath of the Wild did receive DLC in the form of an Expansion Pass, but also because of how popular the latest game is. By the end of June, Tears of the Kingdom had sold more than 18.5 million copies and boosted Japan's gross domestic product (GDP). Source: Click
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  11. AMD might be preparing two brand new "RDNA 3" GPUs for the entry-level segment, the Radeon RX 7400 & RX 7300. AMD Radeon RX 7400 & RX 7300 GPUs are supposedly the latest additions to the RDNA 3 family AMD's RDNA 3 lineup features GPUs starting from the RX 7600 at $250-$270 while the older generations based on the RDNA 2 and RDNA architectures have entry-level GPUs in the sub-$200 price range. This left a big segment that was unattended during the RDNA 3 generation but now it looks like AMD might be planning to introduce new entry-level offerings. Related Story OneXGPU 2 eGPU To Feature AMD’s Brand New Radeon RX 7800M “RDNA 3” GPU According to a leak by a prominent leaker, @KOMACHI_ENSAKA, this may be the beginning of newer entry-level cards in the RDNA 3 family. He listed two new GPUs in a tweet: Radeon RX 7400 and RX 7300. According to the information, new GPU PCI IDs have been spotted by Komachi which is labeled as "0x7499" and based on the Navi 33 SKU. These new Navi 33 SKUs likely belong to entry-tier products such as the rumored Radeon RX 7400 & RX 7300 graphics cards. While the RDNA 2 lineup already has entry-level cards like AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT and RX 6400, the RDNA 3 lineup may also add another X300 series card i.e., the RX 7300. We haven't seen an X300 series card in previous RDNA families but it is most likely going to end up somewhere between $100 and $130, assuming AMD also launches an RX 7500 or 7500 XT card later. As per the specs of previous-generation cards and the generational performance uplift in the RDNA 3 series, it's safe to assume that the RX 7400 will be somewhere around the RX 6500 XT in specifications and performance. While we don't have any specification information about the RX 7400, it should end up featuring a 64-128-bit bus interface leading to 4/6 GB VRAM.
  12. Echipa masculină de cricket a Angliei va sosi în Pakistan pe 2 octombrie, iar meciurile vor avea loc la Multan, Rawalpindi KARACHI: Consiliul de cricket din Pakistan a anunțat vineri un program revizuit pentru o serie pe care o va desfășura împotriva Angliei luna viitoare, punând capăt săptămânilor de incertitudine, inclusiv rapoartelor că ar putea fi mutată în străinătate. Primele două probe se vor desfășura consecutiv în Multan și ultima în Rawalpindi, sărind peste Karachi, unde construcția în curs de la Stadionul Național a forțat Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) să modifice programul. „Seria va începe în Multan, cu primul Test în perioada 7-11 octombrie, iar cel de-al doilea Test – programat inițial pentru Karachi – a fost mutat la Multan, deoarece stadionul din Karachi trece printr-un (a) lifting major pentru Trofeul Campionilor de anul viitor, „, a spus o declarație de la PCB. Al doilea Test va începe din 15 octombrie, în timp ce al treilea la Rawalpindi va avea loc din 24 octombrie. Echipa masculină de cricket a Angliei va sosi la Multan pe 2 octombrie pentru al doilea tur al Pakistanului în doi ani. Anunțul a pus capăt săptămânilor de așteptare frustrantă din partea Comisiei de cricket din Anglia și Țara Galilor, care căutau claritate cu privire la program. Mai mult, au existat rapoarte din presă despre schimbarea seriei în Emiratele Arabe Unite (UAE), unde Pakistanul a fost forțat să joace meciurile de acasă din 2010 până în 2019. Program revizuit: 7-11 oct - Prima probă, Multan 15-19 oct - Al doilea test, Multan 2 4-28 octombrie - Al treilea test, Rawalpindi SURSA:
  13. Israel's military has launched an investigation after its soldiers were filmed throwing the bodies of three dead Palestinians off a rooftop during a raid in the occupied West Bank. Footage of the incident, filmed in the northern town of Qabatiya, near Jenin, then appears to show an Israeli military bulldozer picking up and removing the bodies. The images have sparked widespread outrage. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Friday that it was “a serious incident” that did not “conform” to its values and what was expected of its forces. Local Palestinian officials say at least seven people were killed by Israeli forces in Qabatiya on Thursday. Under international law, soldiers are obliged to ensure that bodies, including those of enemy fighters, are treated with respect. The IDF said it carried out a counterterrorism operation in Qabatiya, during which four militants were killed in an "exchange of fire" and three others were killed after a drone strike on a car. A journalist in Qabatiya told the BBC that on Thursday morning Israeli troops had surrounded a building in town. He described how four men who were in the house then escaped to the roof and were shot by snipers. Fighting continued in the town and when it had subsided, he then said he saw Israeli troops go up to the roof and drop the bodies down over the side, where they were then loaded onto a bulldozer. Asked about the incident shown in the footage, the IDF said: "This is a serious incident that does not conform with [our] values and the expectations from IDF soldiers. The incident is under review." The military said that one of those killed in Qabatiya was Shadi Zakarneh, who it identified as being "responsible for directing and carrying out attacks in the northern West Bank area". It said he was "the head of the terrorist organisation" in Qabatiya but did not specify which group he belonged to. The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, in the West Bank, described the incident on X, formerly known as Twitter, as a "crime" which exposed the "brutality" of the Israeli army. White House national security spokesperson John Kirby described the footage as "deeply disturbing". "If it's proven to be authentic, it clearly would depict abhorrent and egregious behaviour by professional soldiers," he told reporters. There has been a spike in violence in the West Bank since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing war in Gaza. More than 690 Palestinians have been killed there since then, the Palestinian health ministry says, as Israeli forces have intensified their nearly daily search and arrest raids. Israel says it is trying to stem Palestinian attacks in the West Bank and Israel, in which at least 33 Israelis have been killed. In Gaza, more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed as a result of Israeli military action, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. Source:
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