Salutare tuturor participantilor, pana acum s-au inscris 34 de membrii in Concurs, vreau sa va multumesc ca v-ati inscris, mai aveti timp sa va inscrieti pana pe 01.11.2024 cei ce nu au facut-o pana acum. Asa cum v-am obisnuit, nu au trecut cele 5 zile de la indiciu, dar fiindca au fost cateva persoane care au spus ca este foarte greu si ca nu gasesc niciun dovleac, etc, am decis sa va dau indiciile mai devreme.
Indiciile urmatoare sunt:
1. Al 5-lea dovleac il puteti gasi la Proiecte LeagueCS.
2. Restul dovlecilor ii veti gasi la Categoria Generala.
ATENTIE! Dovlecii pe care ii cautati nu sunt la topic-urile facute recente, ii veti gasi la topic-uri mai vechi. Daca in 3 zile nu se va gasi cei 5 Dovleci de catre 5 persoane, atunci se va mai oferi ultimul indiciu. Asa ca, ce mai asteptati? Spor la cautat, eu consider ca este un indiciu destul de bun deoarece multi altii ati cautat pe tot forumul pe primele cateva pagini (dar nu unde sunt ascunse), fiindca ati primit primul indiciu, cel mai probabil in maxim 24 de ore cu siguranta veti gasii cei 5 Dovleci de Halloween. Mult succes la cautat si cei mai buni sa castige!
@MHammad100, @El Chapo # JOE, @Răzvan-, @Nnnn, @CSO, @Moroilo., @SickBoY AxBxNxHaLaB, @-HuNTeR-, @bLaZe., @olamamicheguapa, @Dexter. @ GOV.RO, @^*$!!IoNuT!!$*^, @dRama t i c a, @RĂDUCU, @Tweedle, @Yumii, @zennik, @dariuss, @te-n_cing , @cxrzsGFX., @Horror_Professional, @Edwward., @-Criss-, @Wisair., @Ramzi.ayoub, @אני הכוח האפל, @GameChanger, @1st_Psycho, @Luxie, @PlayZeeK. # GFX, @Prince of Hell 糸, @RapTorRr, @Black M3tal, @Luki Duki.
Greetings to all participants, so far 34 members have registered in the Competition, I want to thank you for registering, you still have time to register until 01.11.2024 for those who have not done it so far. As I used to tell you, the 5 days have not passed since the hint, but since there were some people who said that it was very difficult and that they couldn't find any pumpkins, etc., I decided to give you the hints earlier.
The following indications are:
1. You can find the 5th pumpkin at LeagueCS Projects.
2. You will find the rest of the pumpkins in the General Category.
CAREFUL! The pumpkins you are looking for are not in recent topics, you will find them in older topics. If in 3 days the 5 Pumpkins will not be found by 5 people, then the last hint will be given. So, what are you waiting for? Keep looking, I think it's a pretty good clue because many others have searched all over the forum on the first few pages (but not where they are hidden), because you received the first clue, most likely within 24 hours for sure find the 5 Halloween Pumpkins. Good luck in your search and may the best win!