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Despre R U S U

  • Dată Naștere 25.08.1998

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  • Server & Games

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  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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  1. Nume Player : Motiv : IP : SteamID : Data & Ora : Dovada :
  2. EVENT TOP 3 LEGENDS EVENT START 10.03.2025 ⟻ ♕ ⟼ EVENT ENDS 10.04.2025 If we catch players doing afk kills they will be disqualified. 𝟏𝐬𝐭 - 𝐕𝐈𝐏 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝟑 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝟐𝐬𝐭 - 𝐕𝐈𝐏 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝟐 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝟑𝐬𝐭 - 𝐕𝐈𝐏 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝟏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇
      • 1
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  3. Titlul trebuie să înceapă cu [BanList] - Nume Nume Player : Motiv : IP : SteamID : Data & Ora : Dovada :
  4. The title should begin with [BanList] - Name Player's Name : Reason : IP : SteamID : Date & Time : Proof :
  5. CONDITII ➝ Obligatoriu va trebuie dovada, altfel cererea va fi respinsa. ➝ Respectarea modelului prezentat ➝ Titlul cererii sa fie: [LEGENDS] Cerere unban "Nick" ➝ Site-uri upload pentru: ➝ Poze: , ➝ Demo: , MODEL • Nickul vostru: • IP-ul vostru: • STEAMID-ul: • Motivul pentru care aţi primit ban: • Adminul care te-a banat: • Ora aproximativă: • Dovezile tale (Print la consola):
  6. CONDITIONS ➝ Providing evidence is mandatory; otherwise, the request will be denied. ➝ Respect the provided format. ➝ The title of the request must be: [LEGENDS] Unban Request "Nick" ➝ Approved upload sites for evidence: ➝ Images: , ➝ Demo: , MODEL • Your Nickname: • Your IP: • Your STEAMID: • Reason for the ban: • Admin who banned you: • Approximate time when you received the BAN : • Your evidence (Console screenshots, etc.) :
  7. Si inca o intrebare te rog pentru creeare Tag-ului la server se face cerere aici ?
  8. Salut as dori adaugarea inca unui sub forum intre ADMIN REQUEST SI UNBAN REQUEST SA FIE LEGENDS | BANLIST. Multumesc.
  9. CONDITII ➝ Creati un topic nou cu numele : [LEGENDS] Cerere tag Numele. ➝ Nu aveti voie sa folositi un tag care jigneste sau injoseste un admin / player . ➝ Fara tag-uri obscene. ➝ Fara caractere HI5 ➝ Tag-ul se poate pune doar pe STEAM ID. MODEL • Nick: • STEAM ID: • Tag-ul dorit:
  10. CONDITIONS ➝ Create a new topic with the name: [LEGENDS] Tag Request Name. ➝ You are not allowed to have an tag that offends an player / admin. ➝ No obscene tags. ➝ No HI5 characters ➝ The tag can only be placed on STEAM ID. MODEL • Nick : • STEAM ID : • Desired tag :
  11. CONDITII ➝ Minim 20 ore jucate pe server. ➝ Citirea regulamentului ➝ ➝ Varsta minima pentru ca cerere de admin sa fie accepta este de 17 ani. ➝ Titlul topicului sa fie [LEGENDS] - Cerere Admin "Nickul tau". ➝ Daca detineti admin pe alt server, cererea NU va fi acceptata ! MODEL • Nick : • Varsta : • Steam on ? • Ore jucate [Link GMT] : • Interval de activitate : • Poti ajuta serverul cu donatii ? Da / Nu : • Care este motivul pentru care doresti admin ? • Ai citit regulamentul? :
  12. CONDITIONS ➝ Minimum 20 hours played on the server. ➝ Read the rules ➝ Topic title to be: [LEGENDS] - Admin request "Your Nick". ➝ Minimum age for request admin its 17 years old. ➝ If you have admin on another server, the request will NOT be accepted! MODEL • Nick : • Age : • Steam ON ? • Hours played [Link GMT] : • Activity interval : • Can you help the server with donations? Yes / No : • Why do you want to become admin ? • Have you read the rules? :
  13. CONDITII • Obligatoriu va trebuie dovada, altfel reclamatia va fi respinsa. • Respectarea modelului prezentat. • Titlul cererii sa fie: [LEGENDS] Reclamatie admin/player "Nick". (nick = nick-ul playerului / adminului pe care doriti sa il reclamati) • In cazul in care reclamatia nu este scrisa corespunzator, ordonata, explicita si frumos aranjata, NU va fi luata in considerare! • Site-uri upload pentru: ➝ Poze: sau ➝ Demo: MODEL • Numele dvs: • Numele adminului / Playerului reclamat: • Data si ora: • Motiv reclamatie: • Dovada (Print la consola sau demo):
  14. CONDITIONS • Proof is mandatory; otherwise, the complaint will be rejected. • Follow the format provided below. • The title of the request must be: [LEGENDS] Player / Admin Complaint "Nick" (nick = the nickname of the admin/player you want to report). • If the complaint is not written clearly, properly formatted, explicit, and well-organized, it will not be considered! • Upload sites for: ➝ Screenshots: or ➝ Demo files: MODEL • Your Name: • Player/Admin’s Name: • Date and Time: • Reason for Complaint: • Proof: (Attach a console print or demo link)
  15. Un castravete murat
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