Kamran Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 [1]. Name :Kamran [2]. Nick Server :THODA BG [3]. Age :19 [4]. LeveL :22 [5]. Hours played [Click here]:https://www.gametracker.com/player/THODA BG/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/ [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : to help the server and i have experience [8]. How well do you know English?:10/10 percent perfectly
GILBERT ICM Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 I told you when you need to submit an admin request stop making multiple requests... you got rejected, wait 2 weeks, then you can submit a new application against.
Exx33mplu Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 Against, you didn't wait 2 weeks from the last application.
TaTuAtU_KOMO Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 Postat Decembrie 11, 2023 cons, because you have vulgar language on the server plus you do not know the rules, "AGAINST"
Oregon Postat Decembrie 12, 2023 Postat Decembrie 12, 2023 Against for you, forever, you never respect the rules.
Andrewq0 Postat Decembrie 12, 2023 Postat Decembrie 12, 2023 Hello Thoda, you must wait two weeks beetwen your requests, because of that I'm giving you a Good luck!
bardock1 Postat Decembrie 13, 2023 Postat Decembrie 13, 2023 for me also contra becouse i kept telling you to wait 2 weeks after you got rejected for making another request
LCS PREMIUM Cizmă Bă @ Zm Postat Decembrie 16, 2023 LCS PREMIUM Postat Decembrie 16, 2023 Rejected ! T/C
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