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[ZM] Campanie Admini Gratis | Free Admin Campaign


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  • 2 luni mai târziu...

[1]. Numele vostru:Alex

[2]. Numele de pe server:Ratonasu

[3]. Varsta:14 ani

[4]. LeveL:12

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]:

[6]. De ce doresti admin?:As dori admin deoarece as vrea sa ajut serverul multumesc !

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[1]. Numele vostru: Claudiu

[2]. Numele de pe server: MoRe Klg

[3]. Varsta: 17

[4]. LeveL: 14

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]:

[6]. De ce doresti admin?: Vreau sa ajut jucatori noi care intra pe sv ,si sa ajut la respectarea regulamentul.


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[1]. Numele vostru: Anis

[2]. Numele de pe server : Anis_Dz

[3]. Varsta : 16

[4]. LeveL : 13

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]:

[6]. De ce doresti admin?: I want to apply for admin in cause to help new players.. and new admins, also to see if someone is breaking the rules and i can check the chat if someone's language is bad

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[1]. Numele vostru: Constantin

[2]. Numele de pe server: Ho0D

[3]. Varsta: 30

[4]. LeveL: 17 

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]:

[6]. De ce doresti admin?:  Mi-ar face placere sa fac parte din echipa de admini, sa am grija ca regulamentul sa fie respectat de ceilalti jucatori. 

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On 12/06/2023 at 12:09, Metra said:

[1]. Numele vostru: Tad

[2]. Numele de pe server : SnowPie

[3]. Varsta : 16

[4]. LeveL : 11

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]:

[6]. De ce doresti admin?: I want to apply to be  admin because i wana help new players to help each one of them tell them how the game  works  what are commands for lm bags future items, stop players for abusing lm stop them from cheating report any bugs, i want to help this community and be active and help everyone.


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Contact me on Discord for admin commands | Contacteaza-mă pe Discord pentru comenzile de admin: Petru#6536

Editat de Metra
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Contact me on Discord for admin commands | Contacteaza-mă pe Discord pentru comenzile de admin: Petru#6536

Editat de Metra
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Model cerere admin


[1]. Nume: Vlad

[2]. Nick server: CrewetZel xD

[3]. Varsta: 27

[4]. LeveL: 7

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa Aici]: xD/

[6]. Ai citit regulamentul?: da 

[7]. De ce doresti admin?: sunt un jucator activ , si as dori sa ajut serverul sa evolueze :D 

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1]. Numele vostru:Daniel
[2].Numele de pe server:ddaniel
[3]. Varsta:24
[4]. LeveL:18
[5]. Ore jucate :
[6]. De ce doresti admin?: ajut la intretinerea serverului ,mai ales pe timp de noapte

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1. Name Mustafa

2. Nick Server bardock1

3. Age 21

4. Level 16

5. Hours Playes:

6.Did i read the rules: “Zm#LeagueCS”

7. Im applying for the admin status because there are rules on the server that must be taken seriously for people to have fun and with 1 more admin we as admins will try getting it under control easily and fast.

8. Good English Knowledge


Editat de bardock1
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[1]. Numele vostru:  Ionut

[2]. Numele de pe server: VenuS

[3]. Varsta: 20

[4]. Level: 2

[5]. Ore jucate[Apasa aici]: -

[6]. De ce doresti admin?: Ajutarea serverului.

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[1]. Your name: Yousef 

[2]. Server name: killer_xd

[3]. Age: 20

[4]. Level:19 

[5]. Hours played[Click here]:229 hours

[6]. Why do you want admin?:I love the server and I want to make it the best server and protect it from corruption and I am active. Likely to be. There is no official and player online to break the rules, but I will be there

[7]. Did you read the rules?: "Zm # LeagueCS". 

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