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Nume tau : blabb

Nume propunere : grab + sedinte pe ts 

Detalii propunere :  Propun sa fie adaugat grabu de la grade mai mici  , asa poti sa tragi jucatori in fata decat sa le mai dai slay sau slap ca sta camp ecc

Poze/video...etc. : -

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Postat (editat)

Contra, deja cei care au luat grab la co-owner abuzează, mai mult e pentru abuz decât ajutat playeri

Editat de Kyrena
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Postat (editat)

Nume tau : Fadnane_404

Nume propunere : Smoke bomb , for zombies or for humans or the two 

Detalii propunere : Can buy this bomb every round with limit (a lot of them will destroy the FPS :D ) & this bomb can emission               a smoke at the place where u throw it 

Poze/video...etc. :       /  some edits on  the name of this bomb will be better 

Editat de Fadnane_404
  • 3 săptămâni mai târziu...

Nume tau :  OldVlad

Nume propunere :  Healer Zombie

Detalii propunere :  Sunt unele mape in care trebuie sa faci foarte mult deff si de cele mai multe ori zombie mor inainte ca ct sa ajunga la escape , ar merge un zombie sa isi dea heal 3k( nu stiu ) la vreo 90 de sec ceva de genul 

Poze/video...etc. :  -

Postat (editat)

Nume tau : Fadnane_404

Nume propunere : Nemesis with Rocket Launcher (Bazooka)

Detalii propunere : A little mode for escape round . it's a random round when someone will be a nemesis with this rocket launcher and humans should to survive & escape from him . About that anti-tank , he can use it  by pressing right mouse (mouse 2) then fire with it by pressing left mouse (mouse 1) or pressing right click again to use his hands (almost it looks like a bombardier) . the prize for escaping is 80xp x 4 or 5 or any prize .
For the maps , should have a big area for escape to stay there because -i think- the range of the explosion is big . If like this idea or accept it , i will to search those maps .

Poze/video...etc. :

Editat de Fadnane_404

Nume tau : Ruskore

Nume propunere : Schimbare Compound Bow + Adaugare Pistol + sectiune /knife

Detalii propunere : Din ce am vazut arma are multe bug-uri si e cam useless. Propun sa se schimbe cu altceva din seria Skull sau Balrog. Totodata nu am vazut sa fie niciun skin pe pistol in functie de level si ma gandesc ca ar fi destul de practic sa fie macar unul sau doua. (btw ar merge o comanda /knife pentru ca devine boring acelasi skin pe cutit)

Poze/video...etc. :




O sa ma gandesc la schimbarea lui pe viitor, nu am bagat  pistol pe level pentru ca e cam  inutil si consumam si resurse pe degeaba, nu adaugam knife menu pentru ca deja serverul aproape a atins limita maxima de modele si daca mai adaugam si modele de knife nu vor mai merge majoritatea hartilor...


Nume tau : Fadnane_404

Nume propunere : x2 XP / x3 XP 

Detalii propunere : add this offer 2 hrs in one day or a day of the week (1h between 17:00 => 18:00 & 1h between 00:00 => 01:00)

Poze/video...etc. : - 

1 hour ago, Fadnane_404 said:

Nume tau : Fadnane_404

Nume propunere : x2 XP / x3 XP 

Detalii propunere : add this offer 2 hrs in one day or a day of the week (1h between 17:00 => 18:00 & 1h between 00:00 => 01:00)

Poze/video...etc. : - 

Contra, you can make xp very fast, we have level bonus, lottery, guess number, supplyboxes, boss, I think it's enough because players already level up fast.

3 hours ago, artem4uk said:

Contra, you can make xp very fast, we have level bonus, lottery, guess number, supplyboxes, boss, I think it's enough because players already level up fast.

u can say this offer it's for the players who have a different hour and they can't play the special modes or nemesis mode because the time of these modes is in the night (their time) .

Postat (editat)

Nume tau :  Adrian007

Nume propunere :   marire ban celor ce sparg / apeasa aiurea de mult timp

Detalii propunere :  sunt anumiti playeri pe server carora le-am dat deja vreo 2-3-4 banuri,  ar trebui ca celor pe care ii avem in ban list de vreo 3 ori, sa le putem da ban 1000 timp in caz de mai sparge iar.

Poze/video...etc. :  -

PS: nu necesar 1000, dar mai mult de cat 120-240.

For english : if we have a player 3 times in banlist for breaking / pressing stuff, we should be able to ban him for like 1000 minutes in case we se him again, some people never learn.

Editat de adryan07
Acum 22 ore, Fadnane_404 a spus:

Nume tau : Fadnane_404

Nume propunere : x2 XP / x3 XP 

Detalii propunere : add this offer 2 hrs in one day or a day of the week (1h between 17:00 => 18:00 & 1h between 00:00 => 01:00)

Poze/video...etc. : - 

rejected, we already have this  thing in every map in 1 round is a random x2,x3 or x4 round  so is enough.

Acum 4 ore, adryan07 a spus:

Nume tau :  Adrian007

Nume propunere :   marire ban celor ce sparg / apeasa aiurea de mult timp

Detalii propunere :  sunt anumiti playeri pe server carora le-am dat deja vreo 2-3-4 banuri,  ar trebui ca celor pe care ii avem in ban list de vreo 3 ori, sa le putem da ban 1000 timp in caz de mai sparge iar.

Poze/video...etc. :  -

PS: nu necesar 1000, dar mai mult de cat 120-240.

For english : if we have a player 3 times in banlist for breaking / pressing stuff, we should be able to ban him for like 1000 minutes in case we se him again, some people never learn.

Acceptata, dupa al treilea ban luat in banlistul vostru s epoate da 500 de min.


Nume tau : I-S-T

Nume propunere : post Boss Fight map - change to ze_potc_fabi

Detalii propunere :  I suggest that after the boss fight ends, the next map will be ze_potc_fabi. It`s a favourable map and I believe it would be more attractive than ze_assault_escape2.

Poze/video...etc. : -


Your name: SussyIchiko

Proposal name: increase xp in extra items

Proposal details: 1000 EC = 850 XP (increase by 150 XP) 4000 EC = 3000 XP (increase by 500 XP ) 7000 EC = 6000 XP (increase by 1000 XP)


Nume tau : WorK

Nume propunere : Sunete

Detalii propunere : as vrea sa se pună sunete la moduri și la zm.

Poze/video...etc. : 

10 hours ago, BandiT said:

adica cand e gamemodes ?

Cred ca vrea sunet ca la loterie si guess number cand porneste, cand apare in chat Game Modes/Nemesis will start in 10 seconds cred, @WorKnu?

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