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BandiT a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Februarie 22

BandiT a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

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Realizările lui BandiT


PLATINUM I (13/25)

  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • Membru Popular Rar
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. EVENT TOP15 FOR MARCH ENDS TODAY AND THE WINENR ARE : 1ST - GuNsNGloRy | CnX - 4619 MINUTES PLAYED (but he cannot win 2 times in a row how the rule says, soo the second place will get his place) 1ST - goku - 2673 MINUTES PLAYED 2ST - dam - 2554 3RD - LUPA DUPA DUP - 2551 (You have alreay vip so you can choose a player who you wanna give the vip, contact me on discord with the name of player ypu wanna give it). PROOF => THE TOP IS RESETED AND NEXT WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN 26-05-2024.
  2. Da stiu de chestia asta, o sa rectificam multumim de sesizare.
  3. The map is still on server for vote, but there is 5 maps for nemesis, an server have 4 spots for chossing a map and gives ramdoomly the maps for vote.
  4. Neah is still powerfull enough, zombie escape is not like killing zombies, the gun in zombie escape need just to defend from zombies to run and reach at escape point, not killing the zombies.
  5. I will see, maybe i will take out only alpha cs to see how it will work without it.
  6. Nume : Marinel Varsta : 29 Judet : London POZA :
  7. Gen sunt multe skinuri toate adunate la olalta, tot ce apartine de server, nu mai multe ca sa le poti selecta.
  8. Neo este deja skin la admini, plus deocamdata avem prea multe skinuri si nu ne permitem sa mai adaugam unul, poate pe viitor.
  9. cred ca a mai fost harta pe sv, dar o sa o mai incercam odata.
  10. Salut, mersi de info, posibil am sa scot harta aia si sa bag alta in locul ei.
  11. EVENT TOP15 FOR MARCH ENDS TODAY AND THE WINENR ARE : 1ST - TAZZY - 3361 MINUTES PLAYED 2ST - Mark - 3123 (Tu ai vip gold, asa ca poti sa dai vip-ul unei persoane care nu are vip la alegerea ta, ma contactezi pe discord in privat cui vrei sa ill dai) 3RD - GuNsNGloRy | CnX - 3081 PROOF => THE TOP IS RESETED AND NEXT WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN 25-04-2024.
  12. Al this questions are all taking directly from internet, and there is like maybe 20 different domains, soo questions will stay as it is now.
  13. Problema rezolvata, multumiri lui Alister. T/C.
  14. Will add the map and will try it, and will let you know if there is a problem. Thank you. T/C.
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