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Demon a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Decembrie 23 2022

Demon a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

Despre Demon

Câmpuri de profil

  • Titlul de membru
    Primordial | Demon

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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9.399 citiri profil

Realizările lui Demon



  • 4 ani de LeagueCS Rar
  • 3 ani de LeagueCS Rar
  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • Membru Laudat Rar
  • 1.000 posturi Rar

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Hello dear staff team, the administrators who have been chosen as admin of the month in the respective month are mentioned here. Information 1.) If the Admin is not VIP or a Manager, he will win 2x Weeks VIP + 200 Points. 2.) If the Admin is VIP or a Manager, he will win 1200 Points. 3.) The winner can make 1x week earlier a request when he asks for it. The winner will be selected according to the following criteria: server / forum / discord - activity. Good luck to everyone!
  2. @María García @Ballantines @kidd0x @cxrzsGFX. @.AsX @KingSnow @Casper-l1 @Art Of Melon @Wesker @Ryu. @quix @K3nd @Ap0calypse About the activity of grades: The amount of activity required for each grade: Founder: 900 Minutes Daily. Owner: 800 Minutes Daily. Co - Owner: 700 Minutes Daily. Pre - Manager: 600 Minutes Daily. Elder: 500 Minutes Daily. Semi - Elder: 400 Minutes Daily. Moderator: 300 Minutes Daily. Administrator: 200 Minutes Daily. Updated on 16/04/2024 by: quix
      • 1
      • Fortzaaaa
  3. Zombie Plague - Commands > They are not allowed to be used in the first three rounds of the map. > It is not allowed to use (zp_sniper, zp_survivor, zp_terminator, zp_samurai) after 22:00 (Romanian time + night) - Exception: Daddy - Boss. > (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_sniper, zp_survivor, zp_hybrid, zp_terminator, zp_samurai, zp_ghost) can only be used 2x times in 24 hours in own benefit or give it to the player - Exception: Daddy - Boss. > (zp_zombie, zp_human, zp_respawn) are allowed a maximum of 1 time per map and can only be used if the current mode is a normal infection. > If an admin has given a player a mod, he cannot give him another mod on the same map. > (zp_jetpack) is allowed a maximum of 2x times per map. > (zp_jettoall) can be used for a maximum of 1x time per map. > (zp_giveap) cannot be used if a player has more than 120 ammo, also cannot be used with more than 100 ammo (for own benefit or to give to player). > (zp_giveap) can only be used once per map. > (zp_allammo) can be used with max "100" ammo for all (don't use it on every map, it would be too easy for the player then) only use it 1x per map. > (zp_points) can be used with a maximum of "50" points and only 1x in 24 hours - (for own benefit or to give it to the player). > Anyone who breaks the zombie plague - command rules will be punished without exception. Exception to rule "2" and "3" - only for Daddy Boss - Rank: > As of December, Bosses can give in at night - using zombie - plague commands any mode to a player who is randomly chosen - or a winner of a mini-competition (eg: whoever makes "70" kills first, gets any mode). > Since everyone got Christmas presents, some sides - rules need to be explained for Daddy Boss - Rank - (since they cannot receive any prize, because they have max rank and vip): > Only old Bosses can use 4x zombie plague - commands (any human or zombie mode) in 24 hours. Ban / Destroy / Eliminate - Commands > It is not allowed to use a ban command on other admins (regardless of the Situation). > The manager will not use a ban command on other admins and managers. > The administrator who still does it, gets: (Suspend / Warn / Remove). > The manager can only use the ban command after that admin is removed and became a normal Player. > It is allowed to use the ban command on ex - administrators and players who violate the rules of the server. > The same goes for the Destroy - Command. > It is forbidden to use the destroy / eliminate command in any case (only Ballantines or with his Permission are allowed to use it). Voting A Map > If you want to vote a map, talk with your teammates first. > You must check "lastmaps" in chat before voting for a map, maps listed in "lastmaps" cannot be used. > After an automatic vote is done by the server, you have to discuss with your teammates if you want to stay here or choose another map. > Don't change the map as you want, always start a vote for the player and vote with matching maps for the right amount of players. > Do not Vote in the Middle of the Map. > If a map is in "lastmaps" which is automatically voted by the server, you are allowed to vote a map. > When it's the first extend, you can not vote a map - on the second extend, you must immediately vote a map. Notes For Managers > The Manager must leave topics for (admin - requests / tag requests / admin - reports) open for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 24 hours. > Manager's need to post on their forum (additions, upgrades, downgrades, removals) for any "Player/Admin". > In the managers report, only managers (Co - Owner and Superior) can respond to their own opinions and make a final decision. > When a Manager has already responded to a report, only that Manager has the right to respond and make a final decision unless it takes a Daddy - Boss to make the right decision. > (Co-Owner, owner, founder is prohibited from (adding, upgrading, downgrading, removing) admins with the same notes. > Example: A Co-Owner cannot (add / upgrade / downgrade / remove) other Co - Owners, only (Founder & Owner) can, who will violation of these rules will be suspended and removed. Notes For Administrators > The admin who uses zombie plague - commands for himself, must take care of the rules, it is best to use zombie plague - commands for the player, to help the server. > Admins who don't post their bans they made to their list will get a warning at first, if they continue to do so they will be suspended for 5 days. > Admins who haven't read the rules: go read, you can avoid making mistakes and not get suspended and removed. > The administrator - access needs to ensure its security and that means keeping the password secret, only you and the owner are allowed to know it. > Admin must be available on (WhatsApp / Forum / Discord) - you don't have to be online in all, 2 is enough as long as you can help the players and keep in touch with the rest of the staff - the team. > Admins who do not follow the rules will be penalized and removed. > Admins who message Managers to be updated will be (suspended / demoted / removed). > Upgrades cannot be given without notification and discussion with others (administrators / managers). > After 3 or 4 weeks from the date of the last upgrade, an administrator can receive an upgrade. > When you want to upgrade someone, be sure of their (server + forum activity, involvement, behavior, loyalty). > Administrators are forbidden to give (pro / contra) without a valid reason, whoever does it gets a (warning / suspension). General Notes > Start slapping players at "1:59" and start freezing them at "0:59", or kill the ones that are (camping / hiding) because freezing will be useless, human - mods can't find them . > You are not allowed to use commands on other admins, only (Daddy Boss) can use them. > Only (Daddy Boss) can remain a spectator on the server, everyone else can remain AFK, (except for admins who demo a player because they may break or appear to be breaking a rule). > You are not allowed to use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin, zp_survivor, zp_sniper, zp_hybrid) if any player has "180" ammo or more. > If you use (zp_nemesis, zp_assassin) you are not allowed to buy another mod on the same map. > It is not allowed to use "y + @" for random things like (hello, hello, bye everyone), you can only use it for important player announcements or other important things. > If you spam "y + @" more than 2x - 3x times per round, you will be verbally warned. it is enough to warn the player with 2 messages, after which the admin can take action (Slap / Slay / Freeze). > Asking (Mods / Jetpack / Ammo) from players is not allowed. > The game between admin and players with bad words or insults is not allowed, (Example: noob, idiot or any other word that is offensive and disrespectful) - who breaks this rule, will be punished with (Gag / Ban = when you are a player | Suspend / Remove = if you are an admin). > You must have the same name in the forum and server. > Admins who are not active on the server and afk all night, will be penalized. > Former (administrators / managers) who have returned from absence, cannot claim back their old rank. Please don't beg for it! (Server - Administrator / Manager) will discuss it and call your request whether you will get back your old rank or not. > Whoever wants a higher grade on the server needs to comply with the rules, make activity, implication on server and forum, activity only on the server is not enough to be upgraded. > Anyone who doesn't respect everything here will be eliminated. > Please note that all admin's and manager's are active or afk during the night, because the server drops a lot. > The proof is required for all bans and destroys used on a player. > It is forbidden that an admin use an order on another admin, (Admin - Password: "HeroOfNewLife") only (Daddy Boss) has the right to do this. > Admins are not allowed to give their password's to anyone! If you get caught doing that or you got found playing with an Different IP - Address, you will be suspended for 1 week and then removed. > Political content that disrupts the general gameplay or that some players feel disturbed by it is not tolerated on the server. > Do not buy more than 2 Multijumps! Notes For Legends - Returned From Absence > Stop constantly asking for your old rank! > Whoever returns from (Absence / Legends) must do 7 days of activity and 14 days of maximum activity as follows: > If it's 7 days you need to do: (900 - 1000 minutes daily) - after 7 days you will get your old rank back. > If it's 10 days you need to do: (700 - 900 minutes daily) - after 10 days you will get your old rank back. > If it's 14 days, you have to do: (500 - 600 minutes daily) - then you'll get your rank back. > After getting your old rank back, you still need to do daily activity! If you don't understand anything, feel free to contact me via (Discord / Forum).
  4. Admin Commands zp_points zp_bombardier zp_reptile zp_hybrid zp_samurai zp_terminator zp_sonic zp_biohazard zp_ghost amx_immuneoff amx_immuneon zp_sniper zp_survivor zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_giveap zp_allammo zp_jetpack zp_jettoall amx_addfake amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips amx_eliminate amx_blacklist zp_plague zp_lnj zp_nightmare amx_destroy zp_swarm zp_avs zp_multi zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie same as Administrator amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_last amx_showip amx_t amx_ct amx_spec amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick amx_unban y@
  5. Hello dear Admins and Players of SilentHellZM. Recently we got alot of new Players and Staff - Members and with that alot of AFK'S, that can lead to the Server being banned so what i am asking you to do is a simple Bind that make's you automatically attack and move around, enable when you're going AFK and u can disable it when you want to Play again. The Binds Enable The Bind: bind "/" ";+attack ;+forward ;+left" Disable The Bind: bind "." ";-attack ;-forward ;-left" Information Note for Players: Anyone who stay's too long AFK without using those Binds will be kicked from the Server. Note For Admins: It's obligatory to use the Bind otherwise it might lead to your removal.
  6. Hello Dear Members, Here you can vote for our server: Please everybody vote our server; by pressing the green button for voting on the site and don't forget to share with us!
  7. Bombonica talentată . Foarte frumos interviul, ceea ce era si de asteptat !
  8. Salut, doresc sa revin cu o precizare in legatura cu cerinta aceasta. @Mr.JohnnySins abia a revenit si nu stia despre aceasta. Fiecare banner de la servere va fi pus doar de pe TSARVAR, din cauza problemelor avute cu GameTraker-ul. As avea rugamintea sa acordati atentie si sa nu mai cereti schimbarea banner-ului in GT!
  9. Votat - 16915
  10. Votat - 16883
  11. Votat - 16855
  12. Te asteptam pe ts la o vorba !
  13. Votat - 16788
  14. Votat -16752
  15. Votat 16738
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