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    Ultimate Admins

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Realizările lui HusseinXSlasher


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Guys pls accept me as admin i promise i will be good admin
  2. pls guys i promised i readed the rules pls accept me
  3. [1]. Name :Hussein [2]. Nick Server :nightXslasher12 [3]. Age :20 [4]. LeveL :25 [5]. Hours played [Click here]:30 hours [6]. Did you read the rules ? :yea i did [7]. Why do you want admin ? : to help server from hackers and who break the rules get kick [8]. How well do you know English?:yes i know english
  4. Nume: nightXslasher Voturi: 1 Voturi:2 Voturi:3
  5. guys i readed the rules why your not accepting me
  6. dude i promise i read the rules
  7. [1]. Name :Hussein [2]. Nick Server :nightXslasher [3]. Age : 18[4]. LeveL :15 [5]. Hours played [30]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? :yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? :to help server from hackers and you break the rules takes ban [8]. How well do you know English?:yes i know !!! Admin Requirements: 1. You must have played at least 30 hours on the server. 2. The minimum age to apply for admin is 16 years.
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