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Orice postat de nam3x

  1. Contra
  2. Nu se face cerere unban pentru asemenea durata, doar asteapta si dupa vei discuta cu adminul in cauza
  3. Pro
  4. Pro
  5. Pro
  6. PRO
  7. PRO
  8. Interesant cuvant cheie , PRO si de la mine
  9. nam3x


    As my colleague said earlier, i don't see why we should accept you, so i am against it and please, stop responding to every message we send here
  10. Now you're trying to get yourself out of it, and its ridiculously funny, here are my points in which you can clearly see that you should stay banned: -Your name "pt" was specified in the console text provided to you by my admin colleague -You never mentioned a nick in your last request but it was found easily based on the time of the ban/reason of the ban/admin that banned you -You thought that making a wargods test after 3 days of the ban would bail you out, but thats false, that wargods test could easily be forged to look clean so in result, its useless -You made this request 3 days later from the other one so you can see your "diligence" Maybe next time be sincere about your own doings.
  11. Having unfair advantages by climbing on top of the map is a quite known thing and its forbidden on many servers plus that is written in our rules that you will be banned for doing it, so it wouldn't have been so hard for you to read it, altough you got banned, the unban requests are for PERMANENT BANS not for a 2 hours one so simply wait it out and report the admin, not make an unban request
  12. PRO slot
  13. nam3x

    ban nefondat

    Instigat la cearta cu glume de 2 lei avand in vedere faptul ca nu toata lumea le suporta, asta arata romanul adevarat care daca este tratat cu indiferenta sau cu vorbe/fapte asemanatoare se supara si reclameaza. Asta iti arata si capacitatea de gandire la "varsta ta", topicul trebuia inchis de mult, ai primit prea multa voie la scriere
  14. PRO
  15. PRO Mai multa activitate
  16. nam3x

    Ban Vano

    "Man", ca asa se vorbeste, pari curat la prima vedere, legat de sunet, nu stiu la ce va referiti, ramane de vazut si ce decizie va lua Owner-ul, pana atunci ramai banat
  17. PRO
  18. PRO, lasam sa treaca
  19. The bans can be given directly without requesting wargods or pictures, if there is enough evidence that you cheated in some way
  20. Acesta este serverul de discord al comunitatii ESL.LEAGUECS.RO
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  21. Ai fost tras la wargods timp de aprox 10 min de catre Matrix, ramane la decizia ownerului debanarea ta
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