[ESL] Unban request
Do you feel you have been wronged? Make a request here, accompanied by a proof, and we will solve it.
61 topics in this forum
- Manager Server
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MODEL CERERI UNBAN: Nick : Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : IP : Motivul banului : Data si ora ban-ului : Dovada ( demo / ss ) : * In cadrul unei cereri de Unban, vor posta doar cel care a facut cererea, cel care a dat banul si restul staff-ului ESL. * Adminii au obligatia de a prezenta o dovada in maxim 24 de ore de la deschiderea cererii. RO : Cererile care nu respecta modelul, vor respinse si inchise instant, indiferent daca jucatorul aduce dovezi concrete sau nu EN : The requests that don't follow this model, will be rejected and closed on the spot, no matter if the player requesting them, has concrete proofs or …
Last reply by bozan1991, -
- Manager Server
- 1 follower
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Non so perché mi anno bagnato mi hanno chiesto wargod e quando sono tornato x mandarlo ero già bagnato
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 3 replies
Server tried to send invalid command: echo "************************************************" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Ban Information" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Name: kef" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "IP:" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Reason: limbaj" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Ban Length: 2 days" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Unban Time: 14:35:01 9/30/2024" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Admin Name: ESL.LEAGUECS.RO" Server tried to send invalid command: echo "Admin SteamID: " Server tried to send invalid command: echo "" Server …
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
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Nick : Cristi1337? Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : Red # IP : Motivul banului :Refuz WG + limbaj Data si ora ban-ului : Dovada ( demo / ss ) : As dori sa discut cu red # deoarece nu am jucat niciodata pe acest server, nu ma cheama cristi, mai ales cs 1.6 pe care nu l am mai aprins de ani buni... sa nu fie contul furat asta ma intereseaza.
Last reply by Red #, -
- 1 reply
Hi This is Player here.. i want to ask you that why did u banned me? i played fair game.. not cheating at all.. please review it again and unban me please
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 1 follower
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Ban Information Name: kEffffffffFFFFFFFFFFF IP: Reason: ban.activ Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: ESL.LEAGUECS.RO # VETERANII Admin SteamID: Buna ziua ! am luat ban acum o saptamana pentru limbaj,mi-a trecut termenul pentru ban,si acum mi-a dat iar ban fara sa fac nimic...IMI CER SCUZE ! ca am vorbit urat atunci eram foarte ner…
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
Connection accepted by * Privileges set ************************************************ Ban Information Name: BY VuKuaT* IP: Reason: Fake Wargods Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: Red # DND Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:110040669 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: https://leaguecs.ro/forum/forum/8301-classic-esl/ ************************************************ BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 1 Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
Hi, it's me again. I asked for an unban because I didn't saw the WG test request and the admin who answered my topic said that once he requested the WG test I sweared to him and disconnected. I don't know how can I prove but the admin didn't show any reasonable proof apart from a weird console text that didn't even showed my name. Anyway, here it is the topic that was closed of the admin saying that I insulted him calling him a "nigg*r". I am not racist and it is impossible that it was me. Postat Miercuri la 10:41 (editat) When you were asked for Wargods, you sweared and disconnected L 08/17/2024 - 17:13:56: [transfer_ch…
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
Reason: am Ban Length: 2 hours Unban Time: 19:41:27 8/22/2024 Admin Name: Pitik Ruthless Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:898393693 hi . i ma dz winger from vaterani server and i am here to coplimente about what happenedd the admin pitik ruthless banned me for no reason and without any warning or tell me that when i climbed over the light bulb wich give me an advantage but i didn't know that climbing is forbidden and i wasn't warned y him and i have been banned i hope this doesn't happen again because it's really annoying to be banned even if it's just for a while without warn
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
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Nick: Nickname of the Admin who banned me: Elya4ever Admin's STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:763606159 Ban Reason: no.wg/interzis Ban Time: Permanent Ban Prova (demonstração/ss) : First of all I didn't notice someone asked for wg, but anyway, here is the wg link: https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2936091
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 7 replies
Salutare, nickname GSR03, am primit ban la ora 01:05 de la Xplicit, ca urmare a doua trei propozitii schimbate intre noi, dupa o cerinta in chat, sa dea un afk afara. Pentru ca am cerut acest lucru asa: {- da afara afk ca ocupa loc degeaba} adminul a considerat ca nu am vb frumos si mi-a zis ca nu-l da iar eu i-am raspuns ca si-l poate pastra pentru el. Copilarisme... M-a ofticat atitudinea lui de sef si m-a intrigat faptul ca este atat de sensibil, asa ca atunci cand a scris in chat {zgati} dupa ce si-a luat kill, am considerat ca s-a dorit a fi o referire la o injurie, si sarcastic fiind, i-am zis sa vb frumos ca-si ia gag. L-am mai intrebat de varsta, iar el …
Last reply by GSR03, -
- Manager Server
- 3 replies
1 Nick : Blackhawk Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : aBuu IP : Motivul banului : ? Data si ora ban-ului : data 01.08 ora in jur de 14:30 Dovada ( demo / ss ) : https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php? Nu inteleg de ce am luat ban, adminul mi-a zis sa intru pe wargods si sa descarc pt win 7, am iesit din cs, am facut asta si cand am intrat aveam ba. Thanks Ban Information Name: Kedax IP: Reason: no-wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console" Admin Name: aBuu Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:783218157 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to …
Last reply by bozan1991, -
1 Nick : Vano Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : Elya4rever IP : Motivul banului : wall Data si ora ban-ului : data 01.08 ora in jur de 00.05 Dovada ( demo / ss ) : https://imgur.com/a/zXnaRTu
Last reply by bozan1991, -
- Manager Server
- 3 replies
I was banned for no reason and they did not ask me for pictures or wg . This is an unfair servant. It is just a game. There is no need for hatred
Last reply by Red #, -
- 0 replies
I was banned for no reason and they did not ask me for pictures or wg . This is an unfair servant. It is just a game. There is no need for hatred
Last reply by xSTaYleeeeeeeeeeeeee, -
- Manager Server
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Nick : 20601050 Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : Red # IP : Motivul banului : no.wg Data si ora ban-ului : 24 iulie 2024, ora nu o stiu pentru ca eram afk Dovada ( demo / ss ) : Probabil mi-a cerut wargods si eu eram afk altfel nu inteleg, mi-a mai fost cerut de 2 ori wargods pe server in decurs de 48 de ore, si ultima oara tot de Red. Acesta este ultimul wargods cerut de Red pe 23 iulie: https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2919884 Imi pare rau daca a parut ca nu am vrut sa cooperez. Nu a fost un lucru intentionat, dar pur si simplu s-a intampla sa nu fiu atent la joc probabil cand mi-a cerut el wargods-ul.
Last reply by Red #, -
- 0 replies
https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2920519 nick ---SULTAN---
Last reply by asim.ikanovic1996@gm, -
- Manager Server
- 1 reply
am primit ban pe motiv ca nu am prezentat WG, care nu stiu cand mi-a fost cerut pentru ca nu am fost mutat spec ID Steam: STEAM_0:1:541161116 Nume administrator: ESL - KYL https://freeimage.host/i/doazgvR Sper la o solutionare cat mai rapida!
Last reply by bozan1991, -
by OlOfMiester-
- Manager Server
- 3 replies
Hey guys i got banned nick name OlOfMiester for wh by admin Pr3ddys. i got picuter that he want just unban me to show that and i wont loggin to play on that server again i want my nick name to be clear
Last reply by Red #, -
- Manager Server
- 4 replies
Cerere unban Zalau. Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat :`INSANE IP : motiv:big.cfg : Data si ora ban-ului :20.07.2024 16:15 Mi o cerut wg pe care l am mai facut de o gramada de ori si nu am avut probleme si acuma mi o iesit wg rosu. cica am prea multe linii in cfg. nici vorba de cod sau ceva, pentru cine nu stie in cfg sunt niste comenzi adunate pe care teoretic ai putea sa le scrii in consola pe rand doar ca daca sunt in cfg dai exec .cfg si nu pierzi timpul. de cand se da ban pentru asa ceva!? Joc de mai mult timp aici si mi s o mai facut wg dar nu am patit sa fie rosu niciodata. Va multumesc!
Last reply by bozan1991, -
- Manager Server
- 1 reply
Nick : NoName Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat :D@NY IP : Motivul banului :wall Data si ora ban-ului :19.07.2024 22:10 Dovada ( demo / ss ) : Ban Information Name: NoName IP: Reason: wall Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: D@NY Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:432720014 Nu a cerut wg,ss nimic
Last reply by bozan1991, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
Name: N3g@t1v3_0n3 IP: Reason: no.wg Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: -DEY. Мой ник Emerald Sh1ne
Last reply by bozan1991, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
nick ---SULTAN---, Admin Name: hEx ,IP: reason WH, 13.07.2024 19:00 https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2914390
Last reply by LoyCool, -
- Manager Server
- 2 replies
my nick is ---SULTAN---, IP: , Reason: wall Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: hEx 13.07.2024 19:00 https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2914390
Last reply by asim.ikanovic1996@gm, -
- 3 replies
Nick ---SULTAN---,Admin Name: hEx¸, IP: , Reason: wall , 13.07.2024 19:00. i can not find a demo and ss, can somebody help me and say location of demo and ss?
Last reply by asim.ikanovic1996@gm,