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Orice postat de Stas.

  1. You entered on server 2 days the whole month :x make some activity then request.
  2. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 14
  3. Inca n ai nici marja completa de 30 de ore, zic ca m ai puteai astepta cateva ore inainte sa faci cererea si toate orele is facute recent idk, eu sunt Contra dar poate baietii au alta parere. M ai mult motivul e sa inveti putin serverul dupa sa * ajuti * playerii, ca in 3 zile in cat cat ai jucat idk cat de multe cunosti dar cine stie mult noroc.
  4. Stas.

    [Cerere helper] .

    Nick * . * it s used by 200 ppl so there is no point to make a request if u have no name practically.
  5. Good request!
  6. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 13
  7. Stas.


    Good admin request.
  8. Pro si de la mine.
  9. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 12
  10. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 11
  11. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 10
  12. Stas.

    Cerere Up Felu^

    Pro fram.
  13. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 9
  14. Si noi am citit regulamentul
  15. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 8
  16. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 7
  17. Stas.

    Admin request

    You have played 2 hours in total in the last month There is no point in this request.
  18. Ngl I give you Against. You are not ready to promote even yesterday you didn t pay any attention to what happens on server you just play, also there was someone insult ME personally and you didn t gag him and the insults were in english. Pretty much u are unaware with what happens beside gameplay.
  19. Pro de la mine.
  20. You r activity is down bad. Basically you have no game time at all, maybe get some and then comeback in 2 weeks. Against.
  21. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 55
  22. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 54
  23. Stas.


    Si eu am citit regulamentul :x
  24. Pro sa zicem.
  25. Stas.

    [Vote] Stas

    Nume: Stas Voturi: 53
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