Ok so I don t know why other admins are not payin attention of what happened really, so from the first video is clear that you got slayed useless and more from frustration, the rule is to not infect in laser with ability, you just clicking and you didn t even mean to infect him, also is his problem cuz he use antidote when it wasn t safe then slayed you for absolutely no reason. You are right in this sitation and I m with you.
* Second video is nothing wrong, ppl can sometimes block when there s a lot of them *
Alo baietii slay ul ala e dat aiurea, Hood reclamatia e pentru slay ul primit de el in video nu pentru ce i ai dat tu slay sau pentru ce nu, aia e alta treaba. Inainte sa dati verdicte stupide si sa va aparati intre voi cand e clar ca a gresit mi se pare bullshit.
Anyways Jenixen it s not that big of a deal tho but the fact that he is still with ego and sustain that he s right it s wrong.
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