General Rules GO.LEAGUECS.RO - For Players + Admins + V.I.P's
Using any type of codes or bugs found on the server used in your own interest = BAN DEFINITIVE!
The use of HLTV models or any other type of model or other type of model that can offer some advantages to those who use them is FORBIDDEN. The first time you are asked to remove them and the 2nd time you will receive a PERMANENT BAN
Encouraging the use of any type of codes or bugs found on the server used in one's own interest = Ban 30-60 minutes
During the winter event using AWP on maps: 35hp, css_deagle is strictly FORBIDDEN (SLAY, BAN)
Advertising on our server is strictly prohibited! Whether it is to a forum or any other server. = BAN DEFINITIVE!
P.s: Advertising represents any thing/activity that can take the players from here and go somewhere else. Once the player is not active here and is called on something else, it's still advertising
You are not allowed to do business with your items from our server on other servers! Whoever is caught doing this will have delete account , and if it is V.I.P or Admins he will receive remove + delete account. [to the question "have you read the rules?", the key word is "covert2k25"]
You are not allowed to sell your items for real money. Whoever is caught doing this will have delete account , and if it is V.I.P's or Admins he will receive remove + delete account.
Insults addressed to any player as well as admin are punished with gag 5 minutes.
Insults on the server are punished with GAG 10 minutes / Ban 120 minutes.
Serious insults, taken to the extreme (those of the dead, injured, family, relatives, etc.) are punished with BAN DEFINITIVE ! I don't think anyone would like to be cursed like that, especially if one of the parents/relatives has a health problem.
Your name on the game must contain at least 3 characters! Sanction: Kick
You are not allowed to climb on the texture (map). At the first offense you receive slay and on the 2nd offense ban 10 minutes on the "texture" reason.
If you see a possible code, report it to U@ (team chat "u" / say_team + shift + 2 ). Attention!!! Do not abuse this, that is to announce 1000 times. Twice is enough. [Abuse U@ = Ban 5 minutes]
The camp and the rush are allowed within the limits of common sense, at the beginning the player will be warned and if he insists in an abusive way he will receive a slay!
The CT team is allowed to set up camp only in the following situations: It is allowed to set up camp in the nearby areas where the bomb is planted and to guard C4
Team T, unfortunately, they are not allowed to camp, they have to plant the bomb. Whoever does not respect this will receive SLAY!
You are not allowed to camp on the awp_bycastor_32 map GROT! Sanction: Slay!
On the maps where they are found hostages, the game will unfold as follows: T has the obligation to guard HOSTAGES, and CT to save them. If a CT is caught doing CAMP instead of saving the hostages, he will receive them slay from an admin!
Please do not abuse U@, codings are reported there and nothing else! The abuse of U@ is punished with ban 10 minutes on reason "abuse u@"
Begging on the server is punished with GAG 1-3 Minutes on reason "begging" . If you continue to ask even after you have received the gag, then you will be sanctioned with BAN 15 minutes on reason "begging".
Try not to bother the admins with all kinds of nonsense, ask them for help if you need it or report the coded on U@, but if you bother them with other things you will get gag 1-3 minutes / ban 5 minutes.
You are not allowed to use obscene/vulgar nicknames, etc. The admin has the obligation to change your name and then kick you with the reason "change nickname" . If you keep entering the server with a vulgar name, then you will receive ban 30 minutes on reason: "obscen name"
Borrowing your account it is strictly forbidden! Whoever is caught doing this will get it ban definitive + delete account.
STAFF TEAM is not responsible for the scam between you players! Any trade / gift is made on your own responsibility! But if an admin does this, he will be sanctioned with remove. ( You need proof, preferably one DEMO )
Who will be caught trying to cheat another player / admins / vip's will be sanctioned with ban 5 days + delete account ! If the respective individual is admins or vip's and tries to trick him he will be stripped of his degree + ban definitive + delete account ! We recommend you to film when you trade with someone! A demo is recommended, we do not accept pictures.