Ariguun Postat Noiembrie 29 Postat Noiembrie 29 [1]. Name : Sodbileg [2]. Nick Server : Arigun [3]. Age : 21 [4]. LeveL : 17 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "natasha" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I have never been a helper before on zm server [8]. How well do you know English? 8/10
Maz1mo Postat Noiembrie 29 Postat Noiembrie 29 Salut Arigun ! you made a request the past Saturday. Now you will must wait 14 days for make another request since today. Please read at forum carefully the requeriments to apply for administrator. Good luck.
LCS PREMIUM Cizmă Bă @ Zm Postat Decembrie 2 LCS PREMIUM Postat Decembrie 2 Acum 7 ore, femeseu .eXe a spus: Contra , wait 14 days Rejected !
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