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[ZM] Admin Request "The-Killer"

Postări Recomandate


[1]. Name :  Reda

[2]. Nick Server : The-Killer 

[3]. Age :  19

[4]. LeveL : 18

 [5]. Hours played [Click here]:

 [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Natasha 

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : IN Order to help and force players to follow all the rules .....

How well do you know English?: 8/10

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AGAINST, you have to wait 2 weeks/14 days to make another request


Is very soon for make a request and you know why.

I recommend you increase your activity, be more involved, help another players and make the difference.


Player the-killer

Steam ID Nu este inregistrat SteamID

Country Romania

Invoked on 2024/08/17 | 01:21:00

Ban length Permanent

Expires on Not applicable.

Reason mortii.matii

Banned by AdminZm.LeagueCS.Ro - Zombie Evolution

You are banned, so you know what this means. CONTRA

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