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Postări Recomandate


[1]. Name :reda

[2]. Nick Server :The-Killer

[3]. Age :19

[4]. LeveL :17

[5]. Hours played [Click here]

[6]. Did you read the rules ? :Zm#LeagueCS

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : in order to help and Force Players To Follow All The Rules

[8]. How well do you know English?: 8%10

  • Mor de râs 1

Against 100% you forgot about that permanently ban you had. 🤔


Yes, and I apologize for what I did. I got my punishment, and those actions will not be repeated. I just want another chance to prove to you that I have changed and I will not disappoint you. I hope you forgive me again. If I made a small mistake, I will withdraw from the server.

Postat (editat)
Acum 17 ore, Reda Maaroufi a spus:

Yes, and I apologize for what I did. I got my punishment, and those actions will not be repeated. I just want another chance to prove to you that I have changed and I will not disappoint you. I hope you forgive me again. If I made a small mistake, I will withdraw from the server.

broooooooooooo what

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