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Postări Recomandate


[1]Name :Rehab Adil

[2]Nick Server :AbiGalE*

[3]Age :23

[4]LeveL :17

[5]Hours played: 146.7 Hours

[6]Did you read the rules ? : Yes, I did

[7] Why do you want admin ? :Because I play at time where mostly admins are not online due to different time zones and there are alot of players misusing and sometimes hackers are also there so it ruins the fun for everyone. Also I have 12 years of experience. 

[8] How well do you know English? Proficiently


Contra , read the rules an also u ruin the fun for other players when u place lm long 


CONTRA,gametraker hours,rules,and you brake the rules:long lm,pb+lm,block...come back in 2 weeks !

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