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Postări Recomandate


[1]. Name :Kamran

[2]. Nick Server :THODA BG

[3]. Age :20

[4]. LeveL :23

[5]. Hours played [Click here]: BG/

[6]. Did you read the rules ? :"Zm#LeagueCS".

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : i want admin for  help other players

[8]. How well do you know English?:10/10 % 



Contra , farmează cu OP XD YT BRO V.I.P . I catch u farm and u want to be admin ?

  La 11.04.2024 la 10:14, Yuno a spus:

Contra , farmează cu OP XD YT BRO V.I.P . I catch u farm and u want to be admin ?


and i no team with op xD i tell it for attack he no attack me



[RO] Acceptat pentru probe !

Orice admin cu grad de Administrator , sau mai mare ,are voie sa exercite comenzi pe el, inclusiv sa il puna sa dea comenzi !


[EN] Accepted as Helper for testing !

 Any admin with the rank of Administrator or higher is allowed to USE commands on him, including making him USE commands ( vote,slay,slap etc.) !


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