Tr0YB0Y Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 (editat) Nume reclamant: Tr0YB0Y Nume admin reclamat: abdou Motiv: Acest "copil" abdou, care are nu mai mult de 15 ani abuzeaza de admin. Prima data mi-a dat slay pe motiv ca aveam lm si pb in acelasi timp, dar de fapt, am scos lm-ul ca bloca iar ca masura de siguranta am pus un sac cat timp imi pun din nou lm-ul, apoi am distrus sacul (mentionez ca nu era nici un zm care sa atace in acel moment). Dupa nenumarate intrebari adresate lui sa aflu de ce mi-a dat slay, a folosit comanda de gag pe mine timp de 10 minute si mi-a dat si kick. Am intrat pe server, stateam maxim 1 minut, iar imi dadea kick, si asa a continuat de vreo 10 ori. Durata Ban (Daca este cazul): m-a amenintat ca imi da (dovada in poza); Dovada(video/poza/demo): Editat Noiembrie 24, 2022 de Tr0YB0Y
ABDOU Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 (editat) You've been putting lm + pb at the same time (3 times) in a row but I warned you that if you do it again I'll give it a (kick) because Because the players got annoyed with your behaviour. But you brought it back So I gave you a (slay) and I gave you a reason to give you a (slay). But you started insulting my mother for no reason So I got angry at that moment And so I gave you a (gag) and a (kick) But why did you create accounts in my name and start insulting me as in the picture And she started cursing my mother and insulting me I gave you a (kick) But you repeated the matter over and over again, so I used to give you a (kick) in the account called [ f * ck abdou] This made me very angry and I fired you I don't know why you started swearing at my mother, I didn't do anything to you. I was doing my job and the reason for my anger is that my mother died and you were insulting her Proof (video/picture/demo): Editat Noiembrie 24, 2022 de ABDOU
Tr0YB0Y Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 Autor Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 @ABDOU Man, first of all I didn't put lm + pb 3 times, not even once, not a single zombie attacked when I changed bags with lm (in a second I put lm and then I destroyed the bag, you're probably looking at me when I did that and you didn't attack), secondly, the evidence I posted shows that you gave me kick after kick without any discussion between us. I don't know what you are talking about with that name, you have no proof in this regard. I was present on the server at the same time as the person cursing you, don't put us in the same pot. The thing that bothered me is that instead of thanking you with the 3 sanctions you gave me (slay, gag and kick) you keep kicking me out of the server even though I didn't tell you anything and this can be seen in pictures. I say act like a grown man.
ABDOU Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 (editat) Am I the child or you? you stupid? You didn't follow the rules Do not put the pb + lm At the same time .why were you cursing Don't insult people for a game Editat Noiembrie 24, 2022 de ABDOU
**|TALHAMI|** Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 24, 2022 CONTA You can't put the lm before you blow up the pb 1
Tr0YB0Y Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 Autor Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 @**|TALHAMI|**and for that he has to kick me 10 times?
ABDOU Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 (editat) I kicked you out for what you did later. Look at the pictures: Go and play away. kid ... Editat Noiembrie 25, 2022 de ABDOU
AMG19 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 CONTA!!! Sincer nu avea rost sa faci reclamatia, te-am mai prins si eu o data in putinul timp care te-am vazut pe server cu lm+pb si ti-am spart eu pb-ul si ti-am atras atentia ce este drept nu am mai vazut sa faci dar nici activ nu te-am vazut plus iti c-am plac injuraturile din cate am observat si ti-am atras atentia si pentru ele o data tin eu minte 1
LCS PREMIUM Dany97 Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 LCS PREMIUM Postat Noiembrie 25, 2022 Contra. 1. Am auzit de la mai multi admini ca incalci regulamentul , pb+lm ,laser in spawn 2. Nu cred ca era necesar sa injuri / jignesti ..... sa intri cu alt nume jignitor la adresa lui Abdou ... 3.Puteai mult mai simplu sa apelezi la un Manager/Detinator si sa ii explici ce sa intamplat 1
XgabonX Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 Dupa parerea mea abdou a actionat corect cand vine vorba de tot ce ai facut , e clar ca ai incalcat regulamentul in mod repetat prin ce ai facut. 1
Apă Chioară Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 Abdou a procedat corect. -Nu trebuia sa jignesti si dupa sa faci reclamatie. PS : Eu iti dadeam ban direct daca nu puteai sa te comporti frumos tinand cont ca ai gresit. 1
LCS PREMIUM XenonOne Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 LCS PREMIUM Postat Noiembrie 27, 2022 In mare parte ai primit răspunsurile din partea colegilor. Citește regulamentul și data viitoare dacă mai înjuri membrii din staff primești ban, nu kick. T/C 1
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