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Realizările lui ABDOU


IRON III (3/25)

  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  2. I kicked you out for what you did later. Look at the pictures: Go and play away. kid ...
  3. Am I the child or you? you stupid? You didn't follow the rules Do not put the pb + lm At the same time .why were you cursing Don't insult people for a game
  4. You've been putting lm + pb at the same time (3 times) in a row but I warned you that if you do it again I'll give it a (kick) because Because the players got annoyed with your behaviour. But you brought it back So I gave you a (slay) and I gave you a reason to give you a (slay). But you started insulting my mother for no reason So I got angry at that moment And so I gave you a (gag) and a (kick) But why did you create accounts in my name and start insulting me as in the picture And she started cursing my mother and insulting me I gave you a (kick) But you repeated the matter over and over again, so I used to give you a (kick) in the account called [ f * ck abdou] This made me very angry and I fired you I don't know why you started swearing at my mother, I didn't do anything to you. I was doing my job and the reason for my anger is that my mother died and you were insulting her Proof (video/picture/demo):
  5. [1].Name : abdou [2].Nick server : abdou [3].Age: 16 [4]. Current rank : Helper [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : [6].Link from the last application :- [7]. Why do you want upgrade ?: Because I would like to access more commands and server help + I will be active in the coming days
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