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#Upgrade Request

Postări Recomandate


[1].Name :Roey

[2].Nick server :XyleN

[3].Age 18

[4]. Current rank :Helper

[5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] :
[ ZM-reclamă ] Misiuni Timpul jucat pe server: 197 ore, 9 minute, 23 secunde.

[6].Link from the last application :Unable to send it here

[7]. Why do you want upgrade ? :Because I like the server and the staff, and I'm interested in helping even more

Postat (editat)

Activitate slaba (intri pe server joci 10-15 dupa te bagi pe spec sau iesi)
+ Nu cred ca esti in stare sa obtii noul grad/sa avansezi.

Tu trebuie sa dovedesti ca 'Helper' ca esti bun pentru noul grad si ca il meriti!

Low activity (you join the server, play 10-15, then go on spec or leave)
+ I don't think you are good enough to get the new rank/to advance.

You must prove as a 'Helper' that you are good enough for the new rank and that you deserve it!




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