XyleN Postat August 8, 2022 Postat August 8, 2022 [1].Name :Roey [2].Nick server :XyleN [3].Age 18 [4]. Current rank :Helper [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : [ ZM-reclamă ] Misiuni Timpul jucat pe server: 95 ore, 41 minute, 48 secunde. [6].Link from the last application :[ ZM-reclamă ] Misiuni Timpul jucat pe server: 46 ore, 12 minute, 34 secunde. [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? :I want to help more than I have done so far, and for that I will also need more access, I try to be as active as I can, I have a lot of experience and I can show it on the server and to the players.
Metra Postat August 8, 2022 Postat August 8, 2022 (editat) La 08.08.2022 la 13:15, XyleN a spus: I want to help more than I have done so far, and for that I will also need more access, I try to be as active as I can, I have a lot of experience and I can show it on the server and to the players. Extinde Absolut Contra! Nu meriti upgrade deloc! Nu ajuti serverul si nici jucatorii, nu folosesti deloc comenzile de admin si as mai putea spune ca nu ai experienta deloc! + Ai activitate slaba pe server (intri odata la 5 zile si mai stai si afk) si mai incalci si regulile (imgur) Propun "remove" la aceasta persoana din staff! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely Against! You don't deserve an upgrade at all! You don't help the server and the players, you don't use the admin commands at all and I could say that you have no experience at all! + You have low activity on the server (you join the server once in 5 days and you stay afk) and you also break the rules (imgur) I suggest "remove" this person from staff! Editat August 8, 2022 de Metra
D1vinN Postat August 8, 2022 Postat August 8, 2022 AGAINST! You dont even knew that you are not allowed to use lm+sb. You dont use comands, and always AFK doing literally nothing. Your want more than helper? I suggest removing the admin. 1
XyleN Postat August 8, 2022 Autor Postat August 8, 2022 La 08.08.2022 la 13:35, Metra a spus: Absolut Contra! Nu meriti upgrade deloc! Nu ajuti serverul si nici jucatorii, nu folosesti deloc comenzile de admin si as mai putea spune ca nu ai experienta deloc! + Ai activitate slaba pe server (intri odata la 5 zile si mai stai si afk) si mai incalci si regulile (imgur) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely Against! You don't deserve an upgrade at all! You don't help the server and the players, you don't use the admin commands at all and I could say that you have no experience at all! + You have low activity on the server (you join the server once in 5 days and you stay afk) and you also break the rules (imgur) Extinde As I see you are trying to fail me, I was inactive for a short time because my computer was not in my room, I moved it to my room from another room after a few days because it was my room before, that's why I was not online, I help anyone who needs help And in the same case another player used a laser and I ran away from a zombie I entered and put a sandbag, it was not written in the rules that I was not allowed to use it because the laser was not mine, believe me I have more experience than you
XyleN Postat August 8, 2022 Autor Postat August 8, 2022 (editat) La 08.08.2022 la 13:35, D1vinN a spus: AGAINST! You dont even knew that you are not allowed to use lm+sb. You dont use comands, and always AFK doing literally nothing. Your want more than helper? I suggest removing the admin. Extinde I don't want to make mistakes, I use what I'm sure I should do, I'm only admin a month in the server and you all only speak Romanian and ignore me, how do you expect me to help you? and use commands? Editat August 8, 2022 de XyleN
DvL.w0w Postat August 8, 2022 Postat August 8, 2022 Really ? :)) AGAINST You need remove my friend. You don not need acces to nothing. 1
XyleN Postat August 8, 2022 Autor Postat August 8, 2022 La 08.08.2022 la 13:51, DvL.w0w a spus: Really ? :)) AGAINST You need remove my friend. You don not need acces to nothing. Extinde watch the other comments about what I said, why I didn't used it for no reason. before saying this nosense u should know the truth, the pc not was in my room
En1oNE Postat August 8, 2022 Postat August 8, 2022 (editat) contra, Nu meriti upgrade deloc! Nu ajuti serverul si nici jucatorii, nu folosesti deloc comenzile de admin si as mai putea spune ca nu ai experienta deloc! Propun remove!!! Editat August 8, 2022 de En1oNE
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