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[News] Ash from the Sangay volcano caused the closure of the Guayaquil airport and affects Chimborazo, Bolívar, Guayas, Los Ríos and Cañar


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Satellite images recorded around 10:00 p.m. allow us to observe that the emission of ash from the Sangay volcano continues with a height of 2 km above the crater level, reported by the Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic.

The cloud is heading west and could generate mild to moderate ash fall in the Chimborazo and Guayas provinces in the coming hours, they say, so they recommend taking precautions.

Earlier this Saturday, the ash fall from the Sangay volcano, during the early hours and tomorrow, affected large areas of the provinces of Chimborazo, Guayas, Bolívar, Los Ríos and Cañar. After noon, operations at the Guayaquil airport were closed and several flights were canceled.

The National Risk and Emergency Management Service (SNGRE) reported that the ash fall was reported strongly in the Pallatanga, Chunchi, Guamote, Alausí and Cumandá (Chimborazo) cantons; moderately in Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (Guayas); slightly in Milagro, Yaguachi, El Triunfo (Guayas); Babahoyo (Los Ríos); Chillanes, San Miguel (Bolívar), Suscal (Cañar).

In areas of southern Guayaquil, such as the citadels Los Esteros, Acacias, Pradera, they cleaned sidewalks and vehicles covered with ash, after 5:00 p.m., when the fall of the material stopped.

The ash caused the cancellation of several flights and in the afternoon the closure of operations at the Guayaquil airport.

According to this entity, it is expected that the cloud generated by the Sangay volcano could advance to the province of Santa Elena, which would generate a slight ash fall in several locations.

Around 10:00 there were reports in the Duran canton, Guayas.

Also, NOAA Satellites reported a volcanic ash cloud over a sector of Guayaquil.

After 11:00, in the Main Port, citizens reported a fall of the material in the Ferroviaria, El Paraíso, Bellavista and Miraflores sectors.

At noon, the Guayaquil Citizen Security Corporation (CSCG) released images of cars dirty with volcanic dust.

The Geophysical Institute alerted at 12:19 on Saturday 6 about a column of ash four kilometers above the crater level of the Sangay volcano, in a west-southwestern direction.

The Emergency Operations Committee (COE) of Chimborazo was activated to analyze the situation in the province and collect data on the first impacts registered in various cantons.

During the work tables, the activation of four trucks was arranged to deliver kits, the installation of mobile veterinary clinics and medical brigades to serve residents in the affected towns of Chimborazo.

The Ministry of Transportation and Public Works (MTOP) will evaluate the need to close roads and clean them.

In cameras of the ECU-911 it was evidenced that with the circulation of vehicles in various areas of Chimborazo a cloud of volcanic dust rises in the environment, before which it was recommended to travel with caution.

The po [CENSORED] tion was also called upon to use masks that protect the eyes and face, collect the ash and deposit it in garbage bags.


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