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BMW e63

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Orice postat de BMW e63

  1. BMW e63

    Admins Commands !

    Server Owner & Daddy Boss Full Acces Founder immunity amx_immuneon amx_immuneoff amx_addfake amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips zp_jetpack zp_giveap amx_map zp_lnj zp_Jettoall amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_slap amx_slay zp_biohazard amx_nick amx_t amx_ct zp_sniper zp_survivor zp_plague zp_nightmare zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_human zp_respawn zp_lnj (Armageddon) zp_zombie amx_destroy Owner immunity amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips zp_jetpack zp_giveap amx_map zp_Jettoall amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze zp_biohazrad amx_psay amx_votemap amx_slap amx_slay zp_lnj zp_sniper zp_survivor zp_swarm zp_plague zp_nightmare amx_destroy amx_unban amx_kick amx_slay zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_destroy Co-Owner immunity amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips zp_jetpack, zp_giveap amx_map zp_Jettoall amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick zp_plague zp_nightmare zp_assassin zp_nemesis Elder amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_showip amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick zp_plague zp_nightmare zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie Semi-Elder amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_Freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_slap amx_slay zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie Moderator amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_slap amx_slay Administrator amx_slay amx_slap amx_gag amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_freeze Helper amx_slay amx_slap amx_gag amx_ungag amx_freeze amx_psay
  2. BMW e63

    Tag Request

  3. Numele d-vs: Mihai IP server: DNS: PGL.LeagueCS.Ro Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS 1.6, SAMP): 1.6 Modul serverului: CSGO Remake Număr de sloturi: 32 Firmă găzduire: TNI Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): @BMW e63 Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): Link Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): discord - BMW e63#9017 Recomandat de (numele persoanei care va recomandat forum-ul)*:
  4. Caut pe cineva care sa administreze un server de CSGO remake hostat la tni dns-ul va  avea numele PGL.LeagueCS.Ro


    mai multe detalii discord - BMW e63@9017 / ts sau steam

  5. BMW e63

    Staff Zombie

  6. BMW e63

    [Zombie] Binds

    Hello Admins and Players of STREETZM, Recently we got alot of new players and staff members and with that alot of afks, that can lead to the server being banned so what i am asking you to do is a simple bind that makes you automatically attack and move around, enable when you're going afk and u can disable it when you want to play again. Enable The Bind: bind "/" ";+attack ;+forward ;+left" Disable The Bind: bind "." ";-attack ;-forward ;-left" Note Players: Anyone who stays too long afk without using those binds will be kicked from the server. Note For Admins: It's obligatory to use the bind otherwise it might lead to your removal. ★ BIND FOR ITEMS WITH POINTS ★ bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" /// Bombardier bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 3"/// Hybrid bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" /// Samurai bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" /// Diamond AK-47 ★ BIND OF MOD ★ bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" /// Survivor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1"/// Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" /// Nemesis bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" /// Assassin ★ BIND OF HUMAN ★ bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" /// Armor 100 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" /// JetPack bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" /// Tryder bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" /// Armor 200 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" /// MultiJumps bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 5" /// Killing Grenade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" /// Sawn-Off-ShotGun (Powerfull) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" /// Gold AK-47 ★ BIND OF ZOMBIE ★ bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" /// T-Virus Antidote bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" /// Zombie Madness bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" /// Bomb bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" /// Knife Blink ★ BIND FOR LM ★ bind "KEY" "say /lm" bind "KEY" "plant_mine" bind "KEY" "take_mine" ★ BINDS ADMINS ★ bind "KEY" "say @[Zm Attack Or 3x Slap->Freeze->Slay]" bind "KEY" "say @[Don't shot other's LM or slay direct]" bind "KEY" "say @[Don' Shot LM on AFK Or Slay Direct]" bind "KEY" "say @[Don' ask for AMMO/MOD/JETPACK/POINTS or gag 6-12 mins]"
  7. As soon as you get upgraded from Helper to Administrator create a new topic with the name "nick" and use the following model : ¤ Date / Time: ¤ Nick: ¤ IP: ¤ Time of ban: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof: Note: Banning a hacker requires a demo as proof. demo as proof to add here link --->
  8. În curând, ca să fie actualizat de Helper a Administrator, creează un nou tema cu numele „nick” și folosește următorul model: ¤ Data / ora : ¤ Nick: ¤ IP: ¤ Ora incidentului: ¤ Motiv: ¤ Dovada : Notă: Interzicerea unui pirata informatic necesită o demonstrație ca probă. demo ca dovadă pentru a adăuga aici link --->
  9. [1 - INFO] The title of the topic must be "[Report Admin] Admin/player name" Model: Nickname: Admin name: Reason: Proof:
  10. BMW e63

    [Model] Request unban

    [1 - INFO] The title of the topic must be "[Request Unban] Nickname" Model: Nickname: Admin who banned you?: Reason: Time: How long?:
  11. BMW e63

    [Model] Request Tag

    [1 - INFO] The title of the topic must be "[Request Tag] Nickname" [2- INFO] You must have played at least 10 hours on the server Model: Nickname: Tag: Hours Played(Mandatory link):
  12. BMW e63

    [Model] Request Admin

    [1 - INFO] The title of the topic must be "[Request Admin] Nickname" [2- INFO] You must have played at least 30 hours on the server, and all the admins are starting from Administrator [3-INFO] You should be active on server/discord/forum [4-INFO] You must to have good behaviour on the server and discord [5-INFO] You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days. Model: Nickname: Age: Country / City: How many hours you can play per day?: Can you stay AFK? at night?: Why do you want to be an admin?: How can you prove your activity?: How can you help us?: Hours Played(Mandatory link): Can you boost our server?:
  13. BMW e63

    General Rules

    ____________________________________________________________________ Players who continuously Spam (6 min). Players who keep on asking for Ammo/Mods/Jetpack will receive a warning followed by Gag (6 min). Players who Insult or disrespectful words in any language.(12 min). Zombies who keep camping. [3 slaps at max] Zombies who not attacking. [3 slaps at max] The zombie if going retry. [3x slay] Zombies / Humans in hard-to-reach places. [3 slaps at max] You can buy 1 Mod per Map (If the server gives you 1 mod, you can't buy another) or the administrator will give you Slay (but if you buy it then server gave you mod so administrator can't slay you because It's not your fault) Zombies / humans who block others. [warn then slay] Players can't buy frist round ammo [if started the map] Humans who destroy other human's lm. [direct slay] Zombies who abstain from attacking. [direct slay after warning and slapping them] Zombies who give free after killing [direct slay] The lenght between slap and slay is 30 second aswell. You must wait at the beginning of the map 3 Rounds so that you can buy MOD, if you mod after 1-2 rounds Direct Slay Players who are under Map or above the limit where zombie/humans can't reach! (after 3slap than Slay) If someone buys Nemesis and kills everyone but protects an enemy, receives Slay. Giving free in Armageddon Round with Nemesis is not allowed and will be followed by Slay. During Armageddon, any nemesis with a grade lower than Co-Owner not using auto-attack will be given slay. If you put /LM in zombie afk or Nemesis, Direct Slay You must wait at the beginning of the map 3 Rounds so that you can buy MOD, if you mod after 1-2 rounds Direct Slay Players who Retry after Gag/rrzm -Slay x3 Players who change model from console Slay x5 If Zombies Don't Attack in Mods (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm) x3slap then (freeze then slay). Zombies who won't get out of water. (Freeze) Those zombies who won't attack after slaping them. (Freeze) The lenght between slapping and freezing is 30 second. (Freeze) Playes who keep insulting even after being warned and gagged several times. [60 minutes] Cheaters / scripters (be carefull there are some players whom aren't using scripts, it's just that they have more fps and skills at bhooping; you can distinguish between this and that clearly.) [150 minutes] Players who advertise other Servers (permanently). Racist people and the ones who keep insulting families, god, religion. [permanently] Blacklisted players. Racist people and the ones who keep insulting families, god, religion. Players who keep reconnecting after they've got banned. Before starting the vote, check if the map is already in /lastmaps. If the map is already in lastmap you can change map directly First, you must consult other players and admins to decide if they want a change and which map. ⛤Spectator Server Owners/Daddy Boss, can stay in spectator all the time, other Admins cant stay in spectator. Suspended/Removed Only if have a cheats on the server the admin can go and watch it ⛤ZP (HUMAN / ZOMBIE / RESPAWN): Server Owner, Daddy Boss, Founders can use anytime zp commands. You can use zp_zombie,human,respawn. Co-Owners/Owners only 12h or you will get Suspended You cannot use zp_zombie,human,respawn to another Admin or you will get Suspended ⛤ZP (lNJ / NIGHTMARE / PLAGUE / SWARM / MULTIPLE): It's forbidden to use them in the first two rounds aswell. They can be used twice every 12 hours. ⛤ZP (JETPACK): It can't be used in the first two rounds. You have the right to use it 2 times per map ( 2 for you and 1 for players) ⛤ZP (ASSASSIN / NEMESIS): It's forbidden to use them in the first two rounds. They can be used twice every 24 hours. Once for you and once for a player. But not on the same map. You are not allowed to give the mod to the same player over and over again. You are not allowed to use zp_nemesis / assassin if a player has more than 180 ammos You are not allowed to use zp_nemesis / assassin if the previous round was a mod , must wait 2 normal infections rounds ⛤ZP (SNIPER / SURVIVOR): Only Daddy Boss/founders/owners are allowed to use this command. Co-Owners can use it once a day in a player only (not for the personal use), and it must not be the same player over and over again. ⛤ (zp_reptile/zp_sonic/zp_biohazard) zp_sonic: You can give it to a player or to yourself but it is allowed to use it 2 times a day. (If an admin reports you using it more than 5 times you will be directly eliminated) zp_biohazard daddy bosses You can use it 1 time every map to player get fun zp_reptile only can used by daddy bosses once time to one player per day ⛤ZP (GIVEAP): Server Owner can use it at any time and for any use. Daddy boss/ founders can use it, but not for the personal benefits, only to distribute it among the players equally. The limit of packs that the founders/owners/Co-owners can distribute among the players is 100 ammo packs. ⛤ZP (POINTS): This can only be given points if the player buys it from the main owner (it is not allowed to give away without the permission of the Owner, except if there is a competition on points it will be allowed with the permission of the owner). Daddy boss can use 200 points per day. If the Administrator or Manager does not respect the rules, you can report it Here All administrators must enter the Discord Group to have communication. All Admins must at least post in activity night here or you will get warnings and suspended at least do 1 night active and 1 night not ADMINISTRATOR TO MODERATOR: Wait 1 week with 150 or 200 Minutes Daily activity MODERATOR TO SEMI-ELDER: Wait 2 week with 250 or 300 Minutes Daily activity SEMI-ELDER TO ELDER: Wait 3 week with 300 or 400 Minutes Daily activity ELDER TO PRE-MANAGER: Wait 5 week with 500 or 550 Minutes Daily activity PRE-MANAGER TO CO-OWNER: Wait 1 Month with 650 or 700 Minutes Daily activity CO-OWNER TO OWNER: Wait 1 Month (With 2 Week) 800 or 900 Minutes Daily activity Note: Remember to use your commands and respect the rules.
  14. Numele d-vs: Mihai IP server: DNS: Zombie.LeagueCs.Ro Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS 1.6, SAMP): 1.6 Modul serverului: Zombie Număr de sloturi: 32 Firmă găzduire: neo server oferta leaguecs Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): @BMW e63 Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): Link Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): Recomandat de (numele persoanei care va recomandat forum-ul)*: PS : Serveru-l va fi adaugat in GTRS lunar si fullboost lunar.
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