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Orice postat de AbiGalE*

  1. Contra, always seen you afk on server farming time
  2. Contra, because he's always AFK in server.
  3. AbiGalE*


    Contra, Don't know the rules.
  4. Pro
  5. AbiGalE*

    helper request

    Pro, Just because you are active but behave nicely with everyone and read the rules.
  6. AbiGalE*


    Contra, Never Seen Him on Server
  7. Contra, you were active before on the server but I haven't seen you since a week so try to be more active.
  8. AbiGalE*


    Contra, you are active but break rules and spam alot.
  9. AbiGalE*

    Admin request.

    Contra, Nice Person but you need to learn/play more on the server for now as you are not much aware of the rules.
  10. [1].Name: Rehab [2].Nick Server: AbiGalE* [3]Age.23 [4].Level: 18 [5].Hours Played:*/ [6].Did You read the rules?: Sure, ,,Zm#LeagueCs'' [7] I mostly play at early hours when there are no admins online and the misuse is on its peak which ruins the game for everyone so to tackle that and make sure everything is fine (only reason). [8].How well do You know English?: Proeficient
  11. [1]Name :Rehab Adil [2]Nick Server :AbiGalE* [3]Age :23 [4]LeveL :17 [5]Hours played: 146.7 Hours [6]Did you read the rules ? : Yes, I did [7] Why do you want admin ? :Because I play at time where mostly admins are not online due to different time zones and there are alot of players misusing and sometimes hackers are also there so it ruins the fun for everyone. Also I have 12 years of experience. [8] How well do you know English? Proficiently
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