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Orice postat de AbiGalE*

  1. Pro but focus on doing helping more though and not just in enjoying your game
  2. Contra, read the rules and increase your activity. You behave very immaturely on server, first learn and them apply later.
  3. You have posted in the wrong Section. Its for admin upgrade. To register yourself , cliok on the "SIGN IN" button on the top right of the screen and register there using your nickname. The nick and password should be the one you use for server. after registering , open game, go to console and type "setinfo _pw (ur forum password) and your nick will be now exclusive to you.
  4. AbiGalE*


    Contra, you are active but you didn't read rules. Also provide your link as it is more efficient then .rs
  5. AbiGalE*


    Contra, you are active on server but you stiil need to learn alot as I have seen you put Long lm multiple times. You can definitly improve that and apply later.
  6. [1]. Name : Rehab Adil [2]. Nick server : AbiGalE* [3]. Age: 24 [4]. Current rank : Administrator [5]. Hours played [Click here] :*/ [6]. Link from the last application : [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : To have better access on commands and act better.
  7. AbiGalE*

    cerere helper

  8. Contra. You are active on server but you need to show patience which you don't have and act maturely. I would suggest learn somethings before then apply again, Good luck. Peace
  9. AbiGalE*


    Contra, Read the rules
  10. Contra
  11. Contra, I have seen you breaking rules alot of times.
  12. Pro
  13. Contra.
  14. [1] Nick server : FaceToFace [2] IP and Steam ID : / STEAM_1:0:874204685 [3] Reason : SpeedHack [4] Proof : [5] Date and ban duration : Permanent [6] Details : Was using hack which had speed and Instant kill (similiar to the lvl 30 ZM class for refrence)
  15. Contra, Read the rules first and be more active on server.
  16. Contra, your last activity was 2 weeks ago. STAY ACTIVE and then play man.
  17. AbiGalE*

    CereRe Admin

    Pro but increase your acitivity
  18. AbiGalE*


    Contra, read the rules
  19. AbiGalE*


    Contra, read the rules and apply after 2 weeks when you get rejected.
  20. Pro
  21. You broke a rule for which I gave you multiple warning first but you didn't listen to me so STOP LYING and posting false complain here. You are a lvl 28 player and don't know the RULES of the server. You were first begging me to give you a PRO on your admin request and then Abused me. (YOU ABUSING ME) ( You breaking Rule) its rule #10 btw ( because you don't them so i'm pointing it out here) I also have another video of you breaking the same rule in case you need it and Don't let me start with your FARMING. Be nice with everyone and co-operate with others and we got no problem.
  22. AbiGalE*


    Contra, Follow the format and rules on server.
  23. [1]. Name : Rehab [2]. Nick server : AbiGalE* [3]. Age: 23 [4]. Current rank : Helper [5]. Hours played [Click here] :*/ [6]. Link from the last application : [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : To have better access of commands and keep an order on server.
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