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Realizările lui cardi123


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Here is the screenshot: It is on no#4 (STEAM_1:0:1356602937)
  2. Nickname : DarkAngel;) Admin name : emi Your IP : Ban reason : Date and time of the ban : I don't know. I played a few hours ago and it was fine but now I can't join the server. Proof ( demo / screenshot): Not available Other info : Hi Red, I'm unsure what exactly was flagged as not being in line with the model. I have now ensured I’m using the correct model and added all relevant details. Please note that I play under the name "Cardi," but when I attempt to join the server now, it shows I am banned with the name "DarkAngel ;)" displayed in the console. No admin reached out to request a screenshot or WG test, and I am confident I did nothing wrong. Could you please review this issue and help resolve it? I can give a WG test if you want. Thank you for your assistance.
  3. Ban Information Name: DarkAngel Admin Name: emi IP: Reason: Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:816600910 I noticed that my account has been banned with the above mentioned details. However, this name, "DarkAngel ;)," does not belong to me, and I haven’t received any request for verification or further clarification from any admin prior to this action. Could you please review this ban and confirm if it was applied correctly? I believe this might be a case of mistaken identity or an error.
  4. MODEL CERERI UNBAN: Nick : Cardi Nick-ul adminului care te-a banat : XpLiciT IP : Motivul banului : aim_jegos Data si ora ban-ului : 23.06.2024 - 20:26:59 Dovada ( demo / ss ) : This is unfair. The admin banned me without asking for images or a WG test. I previously shared images with Diana, and she cleared me to play on the server.
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