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Orice postat de fRz

  1. fRz

    [ZP] Admin request fRz

    ★ Nickname: fRz ★ Real name: Alin ★ Age: 24 ★ Location: Ploiesti / PH ★ Contact (Skype/Y!M) : ★ Steam (ON/OFF) : OFF ★ Why do you want admin ?: Deoarece vreau sa ajut serverul .. sunt foarte multi care nu respecta regulamentul ★ Do you have degrees on other servers in the community ?: In trecut.. da ★ How did you find out about the server ?: mi o aparut pe lista in cs ★ Are you a Steam User ?: NO ★ SteamID-ul [If you have STEAM ON] : - ★ You experience in AMXX ?: [ Exemple ] amx_slay , amx_ban , amx_banip , amx_showip, amx_kick , amx_csay, amx_tsay .. etc ★ Have you read the rules ?: da, si-l voi respecta ★ UseTeamspeak 3 ?: No ★ How many hours you have?: Mentionez ca am schimbat 2 vorbe cu HeLL .. insa raspunsul lui a fost negativ deoarece sunt prea multi admini Totusi am spus sa incerc .. poate am noroc si imi faceti si mie loc Va multumesc frumos !
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