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Orice postat de kill@kill@

  1. ★ Nickname:] Hero* ★ Real name::mohmad ★ Age:32 ★ Location:algeria ★ Contact (Skype/Y!M) :Skype ★ Steam (ON/OFF) :on ★ Why do you want admin ?:To develop the server and help the gamers ★ Do you have degrees on other servers in the community ?:yas ★ How did you find out about the server ?:My friend is the one who told me about server ★ Are you a Steam User ?: YES ★ SteamID-ul [If you have STEAM ON] : STEAM_0:0:8330878 ★ You experience in AMXX ?: yas ★ Have you read the rules ?:yas ★ UseTeamspeak 3 ?: NO ★ How many hours you have?:] Hero*/
  2. kill@kill@

    SLOT ] HERO*

    ★ Nickname:] HERO* ★ Real name:mohmad ★ Age:23 ★ Location:algeria ★ Contact (Skype/Y!M) :skyep ★ Steam (ON/OFF) :on ★ Why do you want an slot degree ?:To develop the server and help the gamers ★ How did you find out about the server?:My friend is the one who told me about server ★ You read the rules?:yas ★ Use Teamspeak 3 ?: NO ★ How many hours you have?:] Hero*/
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