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fcrb | bucho

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Orice postat de fcrb | bucho

  1. Pro
  2. D@NY a zis sa dau contra:)) Pro
  3. Pro
  4. Pro
  5. Pro
  6. Salut Cristi, da jocul este free, o sa vorbim cu Keaf si cu restul adminilor sa nu mai dea slay pt rush, iti inteleg frustrarea, dar nu isi are locul ironia cu "esti helper, etc", Keaf e admin si un player bun, fiecare are un moment mai putin bun, totusi..suntem oameni, o sa trimit toti adminii la regulament sa-l mai citeasca o data, de doua ori, de zece ori..pana il stiu bine! Mersi, O seara placuta!
  7. Eu ti-am dat ban 2h pt ca ai inceput sa injuri, daca iti dadeam pt strafe iti dadeam permanent! Invata sa te abtii de la injuraturi ca nu suntem pe maidan! Daca adminul ti-a zis ca e interzis strafe, nu faci in continuare si incepi sa te crezi superior adminilor si incepi sa injuri! daca viitoare e ban permanent!
  8. pro
  9. Pro
  10. Pro
  11. Lasa-i sa aiba minim 3 caractere la nume, unii poate sunt la inceput si nu stiu alte comenzi..
  12. pro
  13. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  14. Hi Sam, good for you, you'll get unban, unfortunately for me, the demo made by me is to short i didn't realize that, but when you enter the sv again, please do it properly. You can play on sv. Thank's and all the best
  15. Hi Sam, if you remember i was speaking with you, no problems from my side with you, just players wanted me to check you, i asked you for wg test, you gave it to me, was alright, after you retry the game, no reason for you to do that so i decide to stay on you few rounds and after you got banned, with your style of playing you are giving yourself to much credit, if you speaking of the time playing the game, i'm playing for more time then you this game, so no problem in that about the how everybody's playing cs 1.6..yea i gave you ban for wall, i decide was wall at the time, if i'm wrong i will accept my mistake with no problems, i don't keep grudge and don't worry about my ego, from an online game to have problems with ego, that means you're weak or stupid. "Because he couldn't beat me for a lot of rounds!" : you are not that hard to kill anyway, i was making kills on you all the time :)) i was spectate for most of the time anyway..but that's not the point..i will check again the demo tomorrow, no time until then...i wish you all the best!
  16. Hi, i gave you for wall. thanks anyway!
  17. Pro
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