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Despre OjciecBuch

  • Dată Naștere 03.12.1999

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

Vizitatori Recenți Profil

Blocul vizitatori recenți este dezactivat și nu este arătat altor utilizatori.

Realizările lui OjciecBuch


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. http://www.zp-reclamă I had a ban once, I changed my attitude, I don't break the rules anymore
  2. ok i ok i ok i ok, i understand, i won't write more if you need to delete me immediately, thank you
  3. I read these rules 15 times I remember them
  4. [1]. Name : mateusz [2]. Nick Server : OjciecBuch)*( [3]. Age : 24 [4]. LeveL :16lvl [5]. Hours played:*(/ [6]. Did you read the rules "Zm#LeagueCS". [7]. Why do you want admin ? I want to keep order on the server and have funpromises to improve and thank you very much
  5. 1]. Name: Matt/Mateusz [1]. Nume: Matt/Mateusz [2]. Nickname Server: FatherBuch)*([2]. Server de pseudonim: FatherBuch)*( [3]. Age 24 : [3]. Vârsta 24: [4]. Level L 16 [4]. Nivelul L 16 [5]. 123 hours [5]. 123 de ore [6]. Have you read the rules? yes I am [Accept] [6]. Ai citit regulamentul? da sunt [Accept] [7]. Why do you want an admin? :because there are moments when no one is on the server people do what they want I'm a candidate due to the level of the game and the diversity of players from different corners of the world I would like to promote and participate in the server community I know the right commands and I hope that we will have a great time together and I hope that together we will take care of the good of the server and players, thank you in advance [7]. De ce vrei un administrator? :pentru ca sunt momente in care nimeni nu este pe server oamenii fac ce vor eu sunt candidat datorita nivelului jocului si a diversitatii de jucatori din diferite colturi ale lumii pe care as dori sa promovez si sa particip la server comunitate stiu comenzile potrivite si sper ca ne vom distra de minune impreuna si sper ca impreuna sa avem grija de binele serverului si al jucatorilor, multumesc anticipat
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