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Orice postat de tpefas1

  1. [1]. Name Omar : [2]. Nick Server : _~_~_Omar_~_~_ [3]. Age : 19 [4]. LeveL : 13[5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] :80 [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Did you read the rules ? :"ZmD#LeagueCS" .[7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want to help players
  2. [1]. Name :omar [2]. Nick Server :_~_~_Omar_~_~_ [3]. Age :19 [4]. LeveL :It was 11 but it got glitched and it's 0 and now it's 6 and I'll raise it in the next few days [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] :27 [6]. Did you read the rules ? :"ZmD#LeagueCS" . [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want to help players
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