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Postări postat de BandiT

  1. Acum 5 ore, Fadnane_404 a spus:

    Nume tau :  Fadnane_404

    Nume propunere : M4A1 Fire (Maybe replace it by other gun called : Stun Rifle

    Detalii propunere : So, I'm *Pro* about what Andromeda & Carlos said about that gun. 

    An high lvl like this (lvl 50), should to have a perfect gun for that lvl because it's hard to reach it, so that gun should to have a high dmg. In this situation, we find Tornado Laser Gun & the gun for lvl 35 have a good dmg and are better than M4A1 Fire in this case, that's why M4A1 Fire should have a little high dmg for emp : 200Dmg. 

    About me, I prefer to replace it by an other gun, it's Stun Riffle, it's a good gun for this lvl, or put Ethereal for lvl 50 and that new gun for lvl 54 :)

    Poze/video...etc. :


    i try to add that gun but it doesn/t work idk why...

    • Trist 1
  2. Acum 20 ore, АНДРОМЕДА a spus:

    Numele tau: 4NDR0MEDA1999

    Nume propunere: FIRE M4

    Just to add to the discussion about the M4. It's all fine, expect the dmg output, 100 dmg(for non VIP players), per shot it's barley anything, 30 ammo = the level 30 gun has +5 ammo and has 99 dmg(talking about pure damage output, of course the M4 is more precise and can bodyshot across the map, which lower lvl guns can't), tornado also a lower level gun has a much bigger raw damage output. 

    We are always firing long rage shots, so aiming for the head for a bigger damage output isn't the best solution and for a gun that you had to get to level 50(Personally took me over 100+ hours of gameplay)to obtain it, I and many others think it's too weak with the 100dmg body shots. At least, if not 200 which in my opinion would be the best option, best because it's really requires a lot of time to get to it, players should be rewarded equally, especially non VIP players that don't have buffed 1.4 damage output, I belive that at least 150 should be the minimum for bodyshots. 

    Poze/video...etc:  /

    i already answer to carlos

  3. La 04.08.2022 la 23:20, Carlossssssz a spus:

    Numele tau : Carlos

    Nume propunere : M4 Fire 

    Detalii propunere :  Propun să se crească dmg/per hit la cel puțin 200. Am înțeles faptul că 400 căt avea inainte per hit era prea mult și deja destul de mulți playeri au acea arma , dar 100 mi se pare exagerat de puțin. Pentru o armă de lvl 50 , nivel la care nu ajungi chiar așa ușor , consider că arma ar trebui să fie pe măsură , efectiv cu noul dmg de la m4 fire , arma aceea este un “trash” , fără transparență. Sunt arme de nivel inferior care dau mai mult dmg , nu este ok. Sper să se ia asta in calcul , deoarece suntem foarte mulți cărora ni se pare exagerat faptul că s-a schimbat la 100 din 400.

    Poze/video...etc. : -

    nu cred ca exita arme inferioare care dau mai mult, arma da 100 dmg in  picior piept mana la cap dai 300+ dmg

  4. Acum 47 minute, VALYN a spus:

     Numele tau   :          vALYN;

    Numele harti   :          ze_District_pg


    Link download harta :

    we already ahd this maps on sv, and we take it out, so will not goanna add it anymore.

  5. Acum 1 oră, Fadnane_404 a spus:

    Numele tau   :  Fadnane_404

    Numele harti :  ze_black_hawk_v1




    Link download harta :



    i try already those maps and  we take iy out because is not good for our server, will se about back hawk  latter

    • Mersi 1
  6. La 29.06.2022 la 20:09, Fadnane_404 a spus:

    Numele tau : Fadnane_404


    Numele harti :  ze_evacuated_zone_dp







    Link download harta :







  7. La 26.06.2022 la 3:18, Higgz a spus:

    Numele tau : Higgz


    Numele harti : ze_mansion_adventure

    Link download harta


    Numele harti : ze_xmas_escape_ind

    Link download harta :


    Numele harti : ze_city17

    Link download harta :


    Numele harti : ze_arcade_parade_dp

    Link download harta :


    Numele harti :  ze_force_heights_b4

    Link download harta :


    Numele harti :  ze_revolve_b1

    Link download harta :


    Numele harti :  ze_hunted_egypt_v2_dp

    Link download harta :


    we already ahd all this maps on sv soO, WILL NOT GOANNA ADD IT again, some off the maps are already on sv

    • Confuz 1
  8. La 16.06.2022 la 10:37, Nils a spus:

    😭 Salutare! A căzut acum ceva timp serverul și nu mai pot intra pe el. Am băgat parola din nou și am dat restart la PC dar tot nu merge, îmi apare mesajul din imaginea de mai jos. Este de la server sau fac eu ceva greșit?


    EDIT: Am reusit, am dat reset la router!


    Nu trebuie sa  dai nici un restart la nimic, cand cade serverul, serverul iti cere setarea origina de conecatre si anume trebuie sa scrii si setinfoul cu pw in consola setinfo _pw parola nu numai setinfo _ze

    • Like 2
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