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Orice postat de BandiT

  1. will add maybe in next update.
  2. post this in propuneri not here.
  3. post this request in reclamatie player, after model.
  4. i try to add that gun but it doesn/t work idk why...
  5. i already answer to carlos
  6. nu cred ca exita arme inferioare care dau mai mult, arma da 100 dmg in picior piept mana la cap dai 300+ dmg
  7. we already ahd this maps on sv, and we take it out, so will not goanna add it anymore.
  8. i try already those maps and we take iy out because is not good for our server, will se about back hawk latter
  9. I tryed this maps before and doesn/t fit it in our sv.
  10. ze_5tazona_lg ze_fortressv2_pg added
  11. we already ahd all this maps on sv soO, WILL NOT GOANNA ADD IT again, some off the maps are already on sv
  12. BandiT


    we will solve that problem
  13. We will change the skins in next update.
  14. toate aceste ahrti au fost deja pe serevr le-am incercat testat si unele nu mergeau si altele nu aveau gameplay-ul cum trebuie si le-am scos.
  15. Nu trebuie sa dai nici un restart la nimic, cand cade serverul, serverul iti cere setarea origina de conecatre si anume trebuie sa scrii si setinfoul cu pw in consola setinfo _pw parola nu numai setinfo _ze
  16. swamp nu merge, satanicxmas adaugata si firstdeaof adaugata
  17. Mapa asta e prea mare si are prea multe sunete si modele si nu merge
  18. nu este legal, decat daca faci manual fara nici un script sau alte chestii.
  19. From now one i will not add anything because we already reach nearly the limit off resources and i have to manage the resources.
  20. Neah, is allright how it is now.
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