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Orice postat de Portogoiz

  1. bruh , what are u made
  2. sure , when u banned end all admins saides iii was banned , xD
  3. are u accept my Respect , KING ?
  4. peww is tornado , i see his play and like tornado , but III is instant kill so , i respect ur king
  5. maybe , but peww is tornado , their king
  6. i believe u a little maybe one very small part xD , yeah you are the best in the game , but in real life weak
  7. there a vip skin for furien or you're blind xD
  8. its name is OldSchool SuperKnife , search about it in banana cs 1.6
  9. +1 , super knife can be like now but without blood , to be honest there a skin of super knife without blood , when u kill by it the blood came to the knife
  10. i think its better get T skin is the assassin creed player skin , and for CT give it any thing
  11. you are always AFK , so how will u see us how to play
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