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Realizările lui Portogoiz



  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. thx king , mario lost his beneficis
  2. mdaa he edit it , some mercy to me you come the killer or the deather
  3. the creators of furien mod don't start on it , or they get problem on the mod that make the mod lately to become on the ppl eyes
  4. you don't need to leave him alone maybe
  5. i think youdidn't know peww so much , he is always like that and plus thing , if you go third person you'll see his strafes not hacker .
  6. you the reason of ddos , i doń'ț bèlîèvé
  7. you are king , and you become father , WTF
  8. He sticks his nose in everything like a sticker
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