ZoNAxGaMeR Postat Sâmbătă la 13:07 Postat Sâmbătă la 13:07 (editat) [1]. Name : Mazen [2]. Nick Server : MaZeNZoNA [3]. Age : 16 [4]. LeveL : 4 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: https://www.gametracker.com/player/MaZeNZoNA/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/ [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "zm foda" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : For Help Players And Slay The Players From The Broken Rules [8]. How well do you know English?: Good And im from egypt so i have learned some words from my friends , my Teacher so my english is good Editat Duminică la 03:02 de skaraotki
zuky Postat Sâmbătă la 18:32 Postat Sâmbătă la 18:32 (editat) CONTRA you must have 50 hours played on sv minimum,and you got almost 4... Editat Sâmbătă la 18:33 de zuky
Maz1mo Postat Sâmbătă la 21:19 Postat Sâmbătă la 21:19 Is very soon for apply here, increase your activity, make some hours, involve much in server and we'll see later. Contra for the moment
skaraotki Postat Duminică la 03:08 Postat Duminică la 03:08 Reject (u need minimum 50 hours played) T/C
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