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Name: Tony

Nick server:Tony


IP:(idk ip of what)

SteamID: i dont have steam im playing on cs1.6 version

Name of the admin who banned you :Cizmă Bă 

The reason you received ban:  i stole vip and used it for 4 days before you banned me (i rlly didn't know my bank acc got stoled trust me with that cuz its true

Proof ( video / photo / demo ) : you already know me you can see our text on my mine hm_tony_zm 

Mentions ( Details )  : i dont know what's that mean sir srry

"its okay if you didn't unban me  i just want to apologize to you sir "and if you unbanned me i will owe you my life bc that's my fav server "and  also i got very tired when im leveling up im rly regret it .Don't say anything bad about me pls I will accept it if the answer is no thanks for you're time"

Editat de azizazertyuij

I saw you on server today so you don't have ban. Also, I don't see you in the banlist from the panel.

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Next time dont steal another player account and inpersonating you like another player.

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