Sp1dey Postat Decembrie 15 Postat Decembrie 15 ========================================= - MODEL CERERE ADMIN - ========================================= This is romanian version. For english scroll down. Nume: Varsta: Nick CS: STEAM: On/Off STEAM ID (foloseste status in consola si copiaza STEAM ID): Ai citit Regulamentul? : Cuvântul cheie este?: IMPORTANT: -> inainte de a crea o cerere pentru admin trebuie sa citesti regulamentul. -> trebuie sa ai minim 10 ore jucate pe server pentru ca cererea sa fie aprobata. -> daca intentionezi sa faci boost sau sa donezi, sau deja ai facut-o, anunta un Detinator. INFO -> daca cererea a fost acceptata trimite un mesaj privat Detinatorului cu parola si nickname-ul tau pentru a primi accesul. ========================================= - REQUEST ADMIN EXAMPLE - ========================================= Create a new topic with title called Request admin Nick Name/Surname: Age: Nick CS: STEAM: On/Off STEAM ID (write status in console and copy STEAM ID): Did you read the Rules? : The keyword is ?: IMPORTANT -> before requesting admin you have to read the Rules. -> you need to have at least 10 hours played on the server before your request to be accepted. -> if you intend to boost or donate for the server, or you already did that, please speak with a Detinator. INFO -> if your request was accepted send a private message to Detinator with nick and password. -> before connecting to the server write in console: setinfo _pw password
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