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Postat (editat)

You can't tell an administrator "shut up" and expect he not to give you a gag. 

It's disrespectful.

You should to know it, you was staff member.


Editat de Maz1mo

The first thing is that you are disrespectful, and I told you to stop using weapons more than once, and the next you tell me to shut up, and I told Cizma + Zuky about that, and you publish the picture and tell me to shut up, this is funny. I advise you to stop breaking the rules. Good luck to you.

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Este urât într-adevăr să-i spui unui admin "shut up". Nici ție nu cred că ți-ar fi convenit, Exazzy; să argumentezi cu un jucător un subiect sau aplicarea unei măsuri și ăla să-ți spameze că nu e cum spui tu, urmat de "taci bă odată".

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