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"Request unban who_amx" - [ RESPINSA ]

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Hi! I am"who_amx" and i regust to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairly. i just asking to my admin why name is changed to another player,s name and my admin "kingLv" just ban me for no reason

Editat de Red #
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Please edit this topic, changing the title to "Cerere unban who_amx", and follow this format. Or create another one, and again, follow the format. Usually these types or requests are instantly rejected, but because you are a loyal player, I'm giving you 48 hours to make it right

Acum 20 ore, who_amx a spus:

Hi! I am"who_amx" and i regust to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairly. i just asking to my admin why name is changed to another player,s name and my admin "kingLv" just ban me for no reason

Hello buddy.
The reason u got banned is : i made you 4 PHOTOS which needs to be uploaded on or other site for photos.
After this u leaved the server 2 times.
And last reason is u changed ur name + u joined from 2 different ips.

Now, make the request again with model and put the photos to see them and after this we will see if you will get unbaned or not.

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I said to use that format. Please edit it, or I will close it. And attach the photos, mentioned by King

18 hours ago, KingLV said:

Hello buddy.
The reason u got banned is : i made you 4 PHOTOS which needs to be uploaded on or other site for photos.
After this u leaved the server 2 times.
And last reason is u changed ur name + u joined from 2 different ips.

Now, make the request again with model and put the photos to see them and after this we will see if you will get unbaned or not.

Hey kinglv! i cannot understand the first part of yours message (i made you 4 PHOTOS) properly so clarify again. your are asking me 4 picture of csgo1,6 game,s disktop or something else photos i upload on ??

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Bro, don't make urself a low IQ. 
Cmon, its 2024. 
I made you screenshots in GAME, did i asked you photos of desktop or other games ? 
You are playing Cs 1.6 not other games.
U still have 12h maximum to remake the Model and to upload photos or you will remain banned for ever.

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You need to make a topic following the model, and attach the 4 screenshots. Gave you plenty of time, and you don't care / are not interested. Rejected, T/C

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