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admin request

Postări Recomandate


Postat chiar acum

Admin request model


[1]. Name :IFEKTNZ

[2]. Nick Server :ZM LE

[3]. Age :17

[4]. LeveL :4

[5]. Hours played :

[6]. Did you read the rules ? :natasha

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want the admin because iwana to help

[8]. How well do you know English?:My English is  the best, I'm from usa 

  • Nervos 1

AGAINST, check again the requirement for admin, you need to be activ and STOP SPAMMING WITH REQUESTS

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1-Nu implinesti cerintele pentru gradul de helper!

2-Ai gresit sectiunea!

3-model de cerere necorespunzator!

4-Contra regulamentul se citeste cu atentie nu doar aruncam un ochi in primele 5 reguli si stim regulamentul!!

                 Bafta,nu mai face cereri ai deja      una     in canpanie!

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