Pikii Postat Octombrie 6 Postat Octombrie 6 Shame on you and all those who put you as admin. You are insane bro, never ever found anything at my 10 wargods and still ban.I dont care for what you think for me i know myself that i dont cheat its not my fould that u dont know to play and the best think to do is bann, i was playing this server for years, and i think its better to do not have work with people like you EXTAZZ. I still dont know why other admins dont react ??? HERE IS MY REPORT THAT I NEVER CHEAT. https://www.wargods.ro/wcd/report.php?id=2961908
KING | E X T A Z Z Postat Octombrie 6 Postat Octombrie 6 Because i m Founder and i know i have all the informations about how you cheat admins with wargods ! If you do one more unban request you will be banned on forum.
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