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Upgrade Request [Accepted]


Postări Recomandate


 ¤ Nickname: mo7a
 ¤ Grade: semi-elder
 ¤ The grade you want : pre-manager
 ¤ Link GameTracker of your hours :
 ¤ Reason: Super active + loyalty+ help around sv ...btw last week i played afk mostly cause i was busy but am back to normal play
 ¤ Link of the last upgrade request (mandatory):

Editat de MHammad100
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so you said you were busy last week and now youre back and request direct for pre manager  , maybe you shouldve played do ur duty as adm this week then request , cuz ive seen u only afk , so in my oppinion this wasnt the right time to request for upgrade since you claim you was busy .. 

so when you do your duty 100% like others then maybe would be the right time, thats what i believe .
CONTRA , good luck.

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Contra, Sorry to say this. but you are good person and respectfull but I never seen you play/help/corporate in server. Try as much to avoid afk and come and use commands on server/help

Good luck next time!

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PRO for elder ( but your current activity needs some improvement ).  I will give u a chance for elder cuz u here since stzm times but for future upgrade request ( u will have to work on activity before applying an upgrade request ). GL

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