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Postări Recomandate


[1]. Name : MIKE

[2]. Nick Server :supremgod

[3]. Age :18

[4]. LeveL :10

[5]. Hours played [Click here]:30

[6]. Did you read the rules ? :"Zm#LeagueCS".]

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : to give more populery to the game

[8]. How well do you know English?:very good


contra,hours,you lie about your age,you open 3 admin request in 1 hour,we dont like liers,come back when you are at least 16!


I didn't ever see you on the server and the reason you want admin seems a bit hilar to me.



CONTRA , nu cred ca mai este necesar sa adaug și eu ceva 


Contra. You don't know the rules yet, you are breaking them all the time, learn to respect them all and come back after 2 weeks.

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