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Reason: am
Ban Length: 2 hours
Unban Time: 19:41:27 8/22/2024
Admin Name: Pitik Ruthless
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:898393693
hi .
i ma dz winger from vaterani server and i am here to coplimente about what happenedd
the admin pitik ruthless banned me for no reason and without any warning or tell me that when i climbed over the light bulb wich give me an advantage but i didn't know that climbing is forbidden and i wasn't warned y him and i have been banned
i hope this doesn't happen again because it's really annoying to be banned even if it's just for a while without warn


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Postat (editat)

Having unfair advantages by climbing on top of the map is a quite known thing and its forbidden on many servers plus that is written in our rules that you will be banned for doing it, so it wouldn't have been so hard for you to read it, altough you got banned, the unban requests are for PERMANENT BANS not for a 2 hours one so simply wait it out and report the admin, not make an unban request

Editat de nam3x
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You were warned multiple times. For 2 hour bans, complaints are not permitted. Rejected, T/C

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