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Unban request - Thorax


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I was playing on Predator server 10.6.2024.


Admin (SiLenT) asked for wargod scan. I did it normally, I wasn't cheating. I have never ever been cheating. Wargod didn't found cheats or hacks in my laptop. I got banned nextmap without any other words.


I checked my others wargod scans and discovered there was 1 HPP hack found in my PC but have never heard about HPP hack. I checked the data in laptop processes and realised there was only regular apps like WhatsApp.exe and HPservices, Microsoft Office and so on. NOTHING ABOUT CHEATS. I have screenshot of those processes.

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Hello. stop looking for excuses, I was on the server when I also saw that you had a wall, that's why he  admin silent asked you for a wg which at that moment came out red

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It's not excuses, I'm not cheating ! Let me play and I will give you real prove not wargod which consider whatsapp.exe as cheat omg!!!!

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Open RED wargod scan and click on processes you will see regular apps like WhatsApp.exe, HPservices for printer, Microsoft Office quick start.... normal applications NOT CHEATS !!!!

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Pentru a verifica din ce motiv ai primit ban si dacă este un abuz sau nu ,scrie în romana în primul rand altfel nu ți se va lua în calcul cererea de unbanned!

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 Jucam pe serverul Predator 10.6.2024.


 Administratorul (SiLenT) a solicitat scanarea wargod.  Am făcut-o normal, nu am înșelat.  Nu am trișat niciodată.  Wargod nu a găsit trucuri sau hack-uri în laptopul meu.  Am fost interzis nextmap fără alte cuvinte.


 Mi-am verificat celelalte scanări wargod și am descoperit că a fost găsit 1 hack HPP pe computerul meu, dar nu am auzit niciodată despre hack-ul HPP.  Am verificat datele din procesele laptopului și mi-am dat seama că există doar aplicații obișnuite precum WhatsApp.exe și HPservices, Microsoft Office și așa mai departe.  NIMIC DESPRE CHEATS.  Am o captură de ecran a acestor procese.

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