Administrator Alexandru06 @ LCS Postat Mai 16 Administrator Postat Mai 16 (editat) În această categorie se pot pune în discuție orice subiecte legate de speech motivațional, educație, religie, politică, fashion trends, turism, sănătate și tot ce ține de cunoaștere! Înainte de a posta în această secțiune trebuie să citiți regulamentul! Regulament de postare: Când creaţi un topic nou, acesta trebuie să fie de minim 4-5 rânduri cu informații relevante. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului, încălcarea repetată a acestuia va duce la sancționarea cu warn pe forum. Este obligatoriu adăugarea unor capturi de ecran sau poze pentru facilitarea procesului de recomandare (Recomandat este ca mărimea imaginei să fie între 200-225 lățime). Titlul topicului trebuie să definească recomandarea. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi redenumirea topicului, încălcarea repetată a acestuia va duce la sancționarea cu warn pe forum. Folosiţi funcţia "Search" pentru a vă asigura că ştirea nu a mai fost postată. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului (mesaj privat membrului ce a încălcat aceasta regulă). Topic-urile vor fi închise după 72 ore (3 zile) de când s-a creat topicul. Este OBLIGATORIU să postați sursa de unde v-ați inspirat. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi ascunderea topicului (mesaj privat membrului ce a încălcat aceasta regulă). Tag-urile topicului vor fi "știri lume", "știri noi" și "breaking news" în caz de e o știre foarte mare. Celelalte tag-uri le găsiți în știrea postată de dumneavoastră. Nu faceți spam în această secțiune la crearea topic-urilor. Puteți să deschideți maxim 5 topic-uri pe zi! Nu este obligatoriu, punem accent pe calitate nu pe cantitate. Titlul topic-ului trebuie să fie: [Știri Lume] Numele știrei. Exemplu: [Știri Lume] Ce spune Zelenski despre retragerea din Avdiivka: "O decizie logică pentru a salva vieţi ucrainene" Regulament postare comentariu: Limbajul vulgar, atitudinea sfidătoare şi orice răspunsuri în bătaie de joc vor fi sancţionate cu avertisment verbal, sau chiar puncte de warn, în funcţie de gravitatea faptei. Cei care răspund sunt obligaţi să se asigure că nu a mai fost postat un răspuns identic. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal și ascunderea comentariului. Post-urile făcute aiurea / pentru +1 (ex.: "de mult căutam asta”, "mersi") vor fi sancţionate cu avertisment verbal și ascunderea postului. Dacă doriţi să mulţumiţi pentru informaţie/știre este de ajuns să reactionaţi la post. Regulamentul poate aduce modificări pe viitor, așa că este obligatoriu să citiți frecvent acest regulament! In this category, any topics related to motivational speech, education, religion, politics, fashion trends, tourism, health and everything related to knowledge can be discussed! Before posting in this section you must read the rules! Posting Rules: When you create a new topic, it should be at least 4-5 lines of relevant information. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic, its repeated violation will lead to a warning on the forum. It is mandatory to add screenshots or pictures to facilitate the recommendation process (It is recommended that the image size be between 200-225 wide). The topic title should define the recommendation. Violation of the rule leads to the receipt of a verbal warning and the renaming of the topic, its repeated violation will lead to a warning on the forum. Use the "Search" function to make sure the news has not been posted before. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic (private message to the member who violated this rule). Topics will be closed after 72 hours (3 days) since the topic was created. You MUST post the source of your inspiration.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and hiding the topic (private message to the member who violated this rule). The topic tags will be "world news", "new news" and "breaking news" in case it is a very big news. You can find the other tags in the news posted by you. Please do not spam this section when creating topics. You can open a maximum of 5 topics per day! It is not mandatory, we emphasize quality not quantity. The title of the topic must be: [World News] The name of the news. Example: [World News] What Zelensky says about the withdrawal from Avdiivka: "A logical decision to save Ukrainian lives" Rules for posting comments: Vulgar language, defiant attitude and any mocking answers will be sanctioned with a verbal warning, or even warning points, depending on the seriousness of the act. Those who answer are obliged to ensure that an identical answer has not been posted before. Violation of the rule results in receiving a verbal warning and hiding the comment. Posts made in vain / for +1 (example: "I've been looking for this for a long time", "thanks") will be punished with a verbal warning and the hiding of the post. If you want to thank for the information / news, it is enough to react to the post. The rules may change in the future, so it is imperative that you read this rule often! Editat Septembrie 21 de Alexandru06 @ LCS Update 21.09.2024 1
Administrator Alexandru06 @ LCS Postat Septembrie 21 Autor Administrator Postat Septembrie 21 La 17.05.2024 la 0:02, Alexandru06 @ LCS a spus: In this category, any topics related to motivational speech, education, religion, politics, fashion trends, tourism, health and everything related to knowledge can be discussed! Before posting in this section you must read the rules! Posting Rules: When you create a new topic, it should be at least 4-5 lines of relevant information. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic, its repeated violation will lead to a warning on the forum. It is mandatory to add screenshots or pictures to facilitate the recommendation process (It is recommended that the image size be between 200-225 wide). The topic title should define the recommendation. Violation of the rule leads to the receipt of a verbal warning and the renaming of the topic, its repeated violation will lead to a warning on the forum. Use the "Search" function to make sure the news has not been posted before. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic (private message to the member who violated this rule). Topics will be closed after 72 hours (3 days) since the topic was created. You MUST post the source of your inspiration.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and hiding the topic (private message to the member who violated this rule). The topic tags will be "world news", "new news" and "breaking news" in case it is a very big news. You can find the other tags in the news posted by you. Please do not spam this section when creating topics. You can open a maximum of 5 topics per day! It is not mandatory, we emphasize quality not quantity. The title of the topic must be: [World News] The name of the news. Example: [World News] What Zelensky says about the withdrawal from Avdiivka: "A logical decision to save Ukrainian lives" Rules for posting comments: Vulgar language, defiant attitude and any mocking answers will be sanctioned with a verbal warning, or even warning points, depending on the seriousness of the act. Those who answer are obliged to ensure that an identical answer has not been posted before. Violation of the rule results in receiving a verbal warning and hiding the comment. Posts made in vain / for +1 (example: "I've been looking for this for a long time", "thanks") will be punished with a verbal warning and the hiding of the post. If you want to thank for the information / news, it is enough to react to the post. The rules may change in the future, so it is imperative that you read this rule often! Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată. English version has been added. 3
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