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[Rules] - Players

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Regulament [RO]


- Pentru un gameplay cat mai placut rog toti jucatorii serverului ZpClassic.Leaguecs.Ro sa respecte urmatorul regulament!

Acest regulament se schimba in functie de urmatoarele actualizari ale serverului.


1. Respectati-va si respectati-i pe ceilalti participanti la joc! Incalcand aceasta regula puteti suporta orice comanda disponibila unui admin.

2. Nu se fac discriminari intre sexul, etnia sau religia jucatorilor! Hartuirea acestora, pe acest motiv, presupune kick/ban temporar 5-120 min sau ban pe termen lung pentru recidiva.

3. In cazul jucatorilor ale caror nume  contin reclame sau elemente ofensatoare sau care polueaza chat cu ofense sau spam se pot da comenzi ca schimbarea numelui, avertisment in legatura cu spamchat sau ofensa, gag, kick, ban temporar .

4. Este strict interzis abuzul armelor/cutitelor si a altor sisteme adaugate pe server in modul BETA, jucatorii care gasesc asemenea greseli de cod, sunt rugati sa raporteze in sectiunea [ZpClassic] - Proposal & Bug Reports dupa modelul oferit!

5. Deconectare de pe server fiind primul Zombie se sanctioneaza cu Ban/slay automat daca primiti vre-un mod.

6. Jucatorii care sunt Zombie au obligatia de a ataca jucatorii Human!


Rules [EN]

- For a more pleasant gameplay please all players of the ZpClassic.Leaguecs.Ro server to respect the following rules!

- This regulation changes depending on the following updates of the server.


1. Respect yourself and the other participants in the game! Violating this rule you can support any command available to an admin.

2. There is no discrimination between the sex, ethnicity or religion of the players! Harassing them, for this reason, involves a temporary kick/ban for 5-120 min or a long-term ban for recidivism.

3. In the case of players whose names contain ads or offensive elements or who pollute the chat with offenses or spam, orders can be given such as name change, warning about spamchat or offense, gag, kick, temporary ban.

4. It is strictly forbidden to abuse weapons/knives and other systems added to the server in BETA mode, players who find such code mistakes are asked to report in the [ZpClassic] - Proposal & Bug Reports section according to the model provided!

5. Disconnecting from the server being the first Zombie is sanctioned with automatic Ban/slay if you receive any mod.

6. Players who are Zombies have the obligation to attack Human players!

Editat de SkillinG
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